i have never been so bored more than i have this past week. nobody's called me or returned my calls in about....5 days?
and someone, of course, bailed when we were supposed to hang out after not seeing each other for a month. screw that. i was PISSED.
once again, more things to add to the list of why i want to leave SO BADLY.
only six more days left.
Until next time
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
i saw harry potter again last night. it was better the second time around. "the district"...... it's too early for any judgement but, it's cool i guess. the theaters are REALLY nice.
anyways just got back from my LAST BEHIND THE WHEEEEEEL. thank god. and i changed my instructor. her name is sue. she's craaaazy but she's super super nice. i liked her. way better than that nazi instructor i got last time.
for some reason lately i've been feeling really depressed. it seems like nothing can cheer me up, even hanging out with my friends, which is my favorite thing. i have NO IDEA why though. maybe i need some excitement in my life. i mean, i think the best thing i can do to get rid of this melancholy is to do something completely spontaneous and unlike sarynelli. we'll see.
16 DAYS LEFT. thank goddddd. i am so excited. and maybe leaving for a while is just what i need.
Song of the Day: Oil and Water- Incubus
Until next time
anyways just got back from my LAST BEHIND THE WHEEEEEEL. thank god. and i changed my instructor. her name is sue. she's craaaazy but she's super super nice. i liked her. way better than that nazi instructor i got last time.
for some reason lately i've been feeling really depressed. it seems like nothing can cheer me up, even hanging out with my friends, which is my favorite thing. i have NO IDEA why though. maybe i need some excitement in my life. i mean, i think the best thing i can do to get rid of this melancholy is to do something completely spontaneous and unlike sarynelli. we'll see.
16 DAYS LEFT. thank goddddd. i am so excited. and maybe leaving for a while is just what i need.
Song of the Day: Oil and Water- Incubus
Until next time
Monday, July 16, 2007
i woke up a few minutes ago. it's gotten to that point in summer where it takes me two hours to fall asleep and i wake up late in the afternoon. gotta say, that i really don't like it for some reason.
i've decided that i'm pretty good at updating this thing. i actually surprised myself. i'm just glad that i actually kept this thing and didn't just write one or two entries and then forget about it.
it's too early to pick a song of the day
Until next time
i've decided that i'm pretty good at updating this thing. i actually surprised myself. i'm just glad that i actually kept this thing and didn't just write one or two entries and then forget about it.
it's too early to pick a song of the day
Until next time
over it
random thoughts, July 15th, 2007:
just got back from casey's. we watched, (well i did anyway) science of sleep. i understand it more and more everytime i see it. fun times at casey's today.
she and chris went to the grunion run. i wanted to go so bad! but of course, i have curfew at freakin 10:30 tonight. i'm running out of rubber bands. my mom didn't get me any today.
after 5 whole days, my ipod broke. i swear i must be bad luck or something. so i went back and exchanged it for a new one yesterday. this marks my fourth ipod. i hope to god this one will last. so far so good.
i'm starting to think more and more that the santa ana/tustin area is turning gangsta. yesterday, i saw a HARDCORE cholo fight on 17th and tustin. it was brutal. and at this very moment 5, yes 5 cop cars are parked outside my house and questioning my neighbors from across the street.
i'm starting to think more and more that the santa ana/tustin area is turning gangsta. yesterday, i saw a HARDCORE cholo fight on 17th and tustin. it was brutal. and at this very moment 5, yes 5 cop cars are parked outside my house and questioning my neighbors from across the street.
my obsession for daniel radcliffe has come back. it went away about the 7th grade and now it's back for revenge. i mean......
........... well, look at that.
Song of the Day: Bad Dream- Keane
Until next time
Sunday, July 08, 2007
rubber bands and fireworks
quite a lot to write about today. let's see if i can remember everything that's happened in the last week and a half.

1) So last Friday, i went to the ortho, for what i thought was going to be a regular brace- tightening thing. OH NO. the lady was like, "so we're giving you rubber bands today." and i was like, "Oh shat". So she put them on, and i was like, okay this is weird. They were fine for the first few hours. But i'd say, after....5 hours? That's when i wanted to die. I'm not gonna even attempt to describe how my teeth felt. Cause i can't put it down into words. Anywho, i went to mimi's that night with my parents and who should call, but Casey Pahl? haha hey that rhymes. She invited me to go sleep over at her house and Lauren was spending the night too.
Around midnight we, of course, went on a Wallgreens run and took THE FUNNIEST pictures known to man. i think that's our signature....thing- going to Wallgreens in the middle of the night. fun times, fun times. When we came back we watched Casino Royale. don't remember much of it because i slept through most of it.
The next day, Casey, Lauren, and I went to the beach, where we met up with Lauren's boyfriend and his two friends. Might i add, this was THE HOTTEST DAY ever in my opinion, and as a result got the first sunburn of my life, on my face no less, which then started to peel. It wasn't very pretty. Anywho, those two days were pretty fun.
2) Fourth of July- best one i ever had! It was
soooo much fun. Chris invited me to go with him and his dad to the queen mary to watch the fireworks. But first, we went looking for open filipino restaurants for take-out, but of course none of them were open. So we ended up going to KFC (awww yeah) and took that to see the fireworks. And for some reason, this was THE best KFC i've ever had. the fireworks show was amazing. friggin 20 minutes long!
Oh, and i want to add, without sounding weird or cheesy, that that night was the most gorgeous night of the entire summer. It was pretty hot during the day, so at night, the temperature was JUST right. The sun was setting while we were driving through downtown long beach (which is
the prettiest downtown in the world, in my opinion) and when we finally got to the boat the clouds were in all different shapes and patterns and the sky was orangey-pink. And when the sun finally set, the entire bay was illuminated by the cool lights they put on the bridge and the KICK ASS street lights by the queen mary. I don't know, it was just like, straight out of a movie. It's times like those where i'm really sad i don't have anyone special to share it with..... all i had that night was chris....psh.... hahaha yost keeding.
3) Yesterday we went to Sam's to get some groceries and stuff. And wherever they sell iPods, i casually just tell my parents " oh hey, look they sell iPods over there" just to see what they say. and this time, my mom said " oh ok, we'll get you one" and i was like WHAT?! after six months of asking and asking, they finally bought it for me. And i have to say i haven't been this happy in a long time ( because of and iPod, i know it's sad). But i love ittttttt. It's all new and unscratched, and of course, i already filled it up with smallville videos hehe. But honestly it was about time.
4) and today i went to barnes & noble to get my summer reading books (blech) but i also got the last harry potter book which i have yet to read. i really forgot how much i love reading those books, i just can't put it down!
so yeah, that just pretty much sums up my week. i just had a bowl of cereal and i'm listening to "You're Beautiful"...... that is getting SO OLD. anywho, i want to hang out with the friends tomorrow cause chris leaves on tuesday. SUPER EXCITED for harry potter next week, and possibly the beach house or mammoth? we'll see. and i cannot wait for costa rica. you don't even know.
here's to an awesome summer (and it has been so far) :)
Song of the Day: When did you heart get lost- Rooney
Until next time
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