Today was a big step in my personal life. I'm really happy about that right now :)
Ahhh so. I think this blog deserves a lengthy, in depth entry for the month of March. It has been neglected recently, and for that I'm sorry.
These last few weeks that the blog has gone without updates for the most part have been pretty awesome. I mean apart from school and two major projects that I had to turn in (which by the way I think I'm going to get a bad grade on) life has been pretty good. I've been hanging out with Moritz a lot more, now that Minor's back that crazy fool wants to go out every weekend. We saw Watchmen together....so tight! I think I was the only one who liked it haha. I mean, it definitely had room for improvement but the themes of the movie were what really scored the big points for me. It's one of those movies that you find yourself thinking about days after you watch it, and it really makes you think about our world today and the human condition. Any movie that does that, is great by my standards.
Apart from hanging out with them, I've been meeting a lot more people and just hanging out with the rest of my family. They are seriously the bomb. I look forward to going to my grandparent's house if you can believe that, just because I laugh my butt off everytime I go. They're in their late 70's but I enjoy hanging out with them as much as I do my best friends. Anywho.
I realized the other day out of the blue, that it's finally sunk in for me: I am living in Costa Rica. And it only took 6 months for me to realize it haha! I guess subconsciously I always thought I was going home, just because it was what I was used to...come to Costa Rica for a month, get on a plane, head home. But now that it's been 6 months already since I got here I think I'm getting used to the idea. I feel a lot better now in my own skin... still miss California like crazy though. Speaking of which, I don't think I'll be able to go in May. It's either that or December and I'd much rather wait until December which is my favorite time of the year. Definitely not the same in Costa Rica.
The last thing that's on my mind is that a dear old friend recently sent me a message telling me how the pursuit of my dream in the film industry inspires her.... words really can't describe how that makes me feel. I mean, I get my motivation and inspiration from various sources (see that little list to the right?) haha. But seriously I mean, all these people inspire me to do more with my life, to question everything I see, to grow as a person. What they have done for me is indescribable. And to know that because of them, through my own actions, that I have inspired someone else is incredible. I'm just pursuing what I love because I have to...it's as simple as that really. I know that I won't be happy in life if I don't do the one thing that gives me more joy than anything else. I'm just doing my own thing really :P But the fact that I can give someone else the same type of inspiration that these people give me means so much. Thank you.
What about you? Who/what inspires you? Where do you get your motivation from? Why do you do the things you do. I'd like to know really.
Song of the day: Jolene- Ray LaMontagne
Until next time