life can get in the way.
it can keep you from updating your blogger in over a month.
it can keep you from studying for a test.
it can keep you from calling your best friend for two months.
it can keep you from making your car payment.
it can keep you from going skydiving.
it can keep you from not living every day to the fullest.
it can keep you from knowing that your uncle has cancer.
He's my favorite one. We all found out on Thursday and I was in shock for a few days. I didn't cry. Today is his birthday. And when I called him to wish him a happy birthday, I just lost it. I couldn't stop crying because I knew that this might be his last birthday ever.
The cancer is super advanced and there's much hope left but everything's not lost. They're operating on Wednesday and there's a slight chance that everything will turn out okay. But if not, there's two things that can happen: we can lose him right there on the operating board, or he survives and lives for a few more months.
I have been having the shittiest two weeks of my entire life and finding out about my uncle having cancer is the straw that broke the camel's back. You know I hate being pessimistic but I'm in such a rut, and all I want to do is go back home and see my uncle and stay for good. I really don't like it here, but I'm trying to look on the bright side of things.
My uncle is SO optimistic and you can't even tell he has a terminal disease. And I was so impressed and proud of how our family came together. I mean, within two days, my aunt and my grandparents flew over there and my other uncle is leaving on Tuesday. All the brothers and the sister is there and the parents are there too. He has the support of the entire family and we are all there for him because he needs us now more than ever. But I was so amazed by how united we became because I've never really seen our family spring into action like that. One of the great things of growing up in a huge family.
As for my own moral support, apart from my family's, I know that two close friends are there for me. That's it. And I really don't care who else is behind me or not. Like I told Simon, I can't worry about the fact that someone hasn't called me in a long time because I'm not their mother. If they're not here for me, then that's a shame because a real friend would be here for me. The situation is what it is. I can't worry about someone else's stupidity and apathy right now. I don't have the time or the energy. I simply do not care.
I'll keep you updated on the situation and please hope that everything will turn out alright. I'm not giving up on the slim chance of success but I think I've prepared myself for the worse. The funny thing is, I went downstairs for about an hour and when I came back this song was playing. If you listen to the lyrics and the meaning, I think you'll agree that it might be a sign.
Song of the day: Trapeze Swinger- Iron & Wine
Until next time