...that this is my 200th post!
Gosh, I honestly never thought I would make it here when I started this blog 4(!) years ago. I'm proud of myself for keeping it this long. I kind of feel bad because I feel like I should do something special for this post, but what could I do really? Maybe I'll just make it really long and insightful and talk about some things that I've been thinking of in the past few days.
First off, I'm really digging the new template design on Blogger. One of the downsides of Blogger I always thought was that you couldn't really customize your page a whole lot. But now you can do so much with it! I love it. Today I went out with my mom because it's her birthday tomorrow so we all went out for lunch. It was nice having everyone together. And I have to say, I was pretty pleased with my wardrobe selection today. Must start dressing like this more often.
Anyways, today for some reason I wish more than anything that I could be in L.A. I don't know why, maybe it's because I was being a creeper on JustJared and looking at all the places where famous people hang out. I think my plan once I move back is to make friends with a bunch of people in L.A. who have connections to celebrities. Haha, I know it's kind of leechy but hey, you gotta get your foot in the door right? I don't know, I think it would just be really cool to be part of that scene and get some insight to what it's really like. I mean, at the end of the day, we all wish we were friends with someone famous...don't lie.
So can I be really honest right now? I think my blog is so boring. Like, really? Who cares? Haha, honestly though I've been thinking about that a lot lately, like, why would someone come to my blog? And once they found it, why would they stay? Seriously, all I talk about is random little things I did throughout the day, and if it's not that, then it's me complaining about one thing or another. So I've been thinking what I can do to jazz it up a bit, like, maybe start writing some fiction? Hahaha I have no idea. Maybe I could assign certain events to a certain day of the week, like, every Thursday I would talk about my movie recommendation and Fridays I would talk about new music recommendations? You know, something like that. Just to get some consistency in here. Because honestly, I don't write enough and it would make the blog a little more interesting. Hmmm....well I don't know, I'll play around with some ideas and decide by next week. Until then I'll leave you with a nice song....
Song of the day: My Shadow- Keane
Until next time