Yesterday was minimum day!!! Lauren K, Chris, Allie, and I went to Chipotle's after school. It was my cherry popping experience.......let's just say it was great. hahaha. Seriously though, their burritos are " the size of a newborn baby" as Allie likes to say. And they're reallllyyyy yummy. After that we went to Allie's ( Chris beat us to it again!) and Lo took some pictures for us!! Well, " some" is an understatement. We took atleast 50. And they all look really good.
I gotta say, Lauren is a really good photographer. She knows how to capture my features in just the right way.....PAHA. But yeah. We got some really great group pics. The only problem was Casey was missing again! I'm sure we'll get full group pics sometime soon.
After striking various poses, Allie took me to the ortho (blech) and we went to the waterpolo game after. Allie and Lauren watched, but I had to film for video. My arm is soooo sore from carrying that stupid camera. The game was intense!! We lost 6-7 but it was freaking close. But anywho, guys in speedos are always nice to watch, whether they win or not =)
Theeeen, we rented Run Lola Run! I suggested it. Because I'm cool like that. And indie. haha. Well yeah, it's a trippy German film which I recommend to you all. After pigging out on Ben&Jerry's Lauren Pyle came over and we spent the night at Allie's.
FYI, I think this entry is getting kinda monotonous. I keep saying " and then" and "after". I'm sorry, there's just a lot of stuff that happened!! so bare with me.
THE NEXT MORNING, (today) we went to the Alzheimer's walk!!! It was awesome. Really great workout and consience-lifter-upper. I got to wear a tag that said in memory of Jim Johnson. No idea who it was, but I'm glad I got to walk for him. Apparently, you CAN die from Alzheimer's. Go figure!!
So yeah. This entire afternoon I just flopped around and took a much needed nap. And now I'm here!! At my uncle's house!......SHIT AND THE ARGENTINIAN GUY I WAS ROOTING FOR JUST FREAKING LOST!! dammit. hahahaha. My uncle's are going crazy right now! They're yelling at the television. haha i love it. I love my family so much. It's like the one in my big fat greek wedding, COSTA RICAN VERSION. wahaha.
So that pretty much sums it up folks. I'm supposed to go the movies tomorrow with Caseface, so if I have time i'll blog it up some more.
Until next time
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