so you see those three kids up there? i love them more than anything in the world. gosh, today was seriously on my top 3 best days of my life. i loved all my gifts, especially some cool little tickets for a concert. i really feel like a long, descriptive entry tonight so here goes:
my ipod woke me up at 6, but i ignored it and went back to sleep. by the time i woke up again, it had played 60 something songs? haha. so i got my butt out of bed and prepared myself for the long day ahead of me.
i took a shower, got out, at which point i started talking to miss peairs who told me she was picking me up in 15 minutes for some last minute shopping! so i threw on a shirt, put my hair in a bun, got the presents ready and left. our ride to the mall was pretty interesting, as they always are. allie and i always find a way to laugh hysterically about something. or nothing at all actually.
anyways, we got to mainplace which was PACKED. i got a cd for her parents and she got some candy for her aunt, uncle, and cousin. i got some bertie botts beans from the candy place....omg... some of them tasted really good, but i was a dumbass and tried the gross ones. like booger...JESUS. it was disgusting. but the one that really got to me was earwax. i seriously felt like throwing up....guuuhh....
i still had to get casey another present so we rushed to tower but they were freaking closed! on our way back to allie's we ran into casey's mom on the road. that was funny.....haha. when we got to allie's house, she wrapped presents like no other and we left for chris's.
i was so excited when we got there, i could barely contain myself. i'll tell you what each person got me:
allie- superman dvd's
casey-DLD tickets and some comfy shoe thingy's
chris- guitar strap!
lauren- pj's
and i got:
allie- a wallet, socks, and a shirt
casey- a cardi......which she already had.......(on, i might add)
chris-a shirt and snow cap
lauren- pj's and socks
and then, there was the whole coincidence thing with casey. haha so not only did we both go to target last night, but the socks that she got for allie, i got them for myself in blue. and then IIII got allie those same socks in pink. and i almost got casey this really cool shirt, but i could've sworn that i had seen it on her before, so i got her the cardi instead and it kinda backfired cause she already had it in gray..... wow. we know each other too well case....too well.
oh, and i also got sex, violence, and chaos a framed picture of us. seriously....best pic of all time. hands down.
so time flies when you're having fun. before i knew it, lauren and allie were off to the lights and it was just me, casey, and chris. we took casey to starbucks and peets to get presents for her mom and then we dropped her off. me and chris spent the whole day together after that.
we hit up james who was at jill's so we drove there and hung out for a while, watched the office, you know. we were all starving so me, chris, james, bobby, and i went to in&out. i was so full after. we were all kinda bored there so we went to best buy to see if they had guitar hero but no luck. instead we played tony hawk on xbox 360 for a while. we tried circuit city too but they didn't have guitar hero either. we all played PS3 for the first time there....HOLY CRAP. haha it's funny how easily someone can be brainwashed. like.... I WANT IT NOOWWW. the graphics are so much better than xbox. it look so real!!
anywho, we went back to jill's and i kicked everyone's butt at pool hehe. jill had a dance party in the game room with her flashlight it was pretty awesome. oh, and we watched the sound of music haha sweeet. then hannah came over, we hung for awhile then me and chris had to go. and so now here i am, freezing my butt off yet again.
honestly, words cannot express how much fun i had today, and how much i love all my friends. heck i love everyone!! the guy who's in the car that just drove by my house? i love him too. haha. it's so great to be genuinely happy. i really hope that someone can be as lucky to have friends even half as cool as mine.
i love you guys with all my heart.
Song of the day: Warning Sign- Coldplayp.s. I GOT MY PERMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Until next time,