Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Year's Eve Prayer

you, my love, are allowed to forget about the christmas you just spent stressed out in your parents' house
you, my love are allowed to shed the weight of all the years before like bad disco clothes, save them for a night of dancing stoned with your lover
you, my love are allowed to let yourself drown every night in bottomless, wild, and naked symbolic dreams
you, my love, in sleep can unlock your youth and your most terrifying magic, and dreams for the courageous
you, my love, are allowed to grab my guitar and sing me idiot love songs if you've lost your ability to speak....keep it down to two minutes
you, my love, are allowed to rot, and to die, and to live again, more alive and incadescently than before
you, my love, are allowed to beat the shit out of your television, choke its thoughts and corrupt its mind, kill, kill, kill, KILL the motherfucker before the song of zombified pain and panic and malaise and its narrow right winged vision and its cheap commercial gang rape becomes the white noise of the world, turnabout is fairplay
you, my love, are allowed to forgive and love your television
you, my love, are allowed to speak in kisses to those around you and those up in heaven
you, my love, are allowed to show your babies how to dance, full bodied, starry eyed, audacious, supernatural and glorified
you, my love, are allowed to suck in every single endeavor
you, my love, are allowed to be soaked, like a lover's blanket in the New York summertime with the wonder of your own special gift
you, my love, are allowed to receive praise
you, my love, are allowed to have time
you, my love, are allowed to understand
you, my love, are allowed to love
women disobey when little men believe
you, my love, are rebellion
06 was a good year. I'm not making a New Year's resolution because I never seem to keep them. So starting tomorrow, I plan to live without any hopes, expectations, or goals set in mind, and rather, live each day as it comes. I think that is the secret to success. Here's to a great past year, and a kick-ass 07.
Until next year,

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