i just had the best shrimp scampi of my life. yummm
Last night was so much fun. I'm glad i went. Today i flopped around the house yet again and spent most of my day on the computer. Sad, i know.
I have to leave for barnes and noble in a few and get my Macbeth book. BLEH.
I was talking to my parents a while ago at dinner and i said," How are you gonna take both cars to costa rica? That's gonna be so expensive..."
and my dad goes, " What do you mean 'you'? You mean WE"
apparently, they've changed their minds and want to take me with them to costa rica again. WHAT THE HELL. I am seriously, pissed/scared/stressed/panicked about what's gonna happen after graduation. I have no idea what the hell i'm gonna do, how im gonna survive financially, what i'm gonna do after college, (that's assuming that i even go). There's just that big question mark hanging out there. It's freaking scary.
And one part of me is like, why wouldn't i want to go to Costa Rica? Everyday is like a vacation, it's sooo laid back, everyone you meet is nice, my whole family's over there, it's so easy to live a comfortable life financially, and in a few years the US will probably blow itself up with a nuclear bomb.
But then the other part of me doesn't wanna take the easy way out, and actually fight and work for something that i've wanted for the first time in my life. All my friends are here, i feel more secure, this is essentially who i am. Plus, if i DO make it, i'll be freaking rich, earning like 20 some million bucks per film. It's a risk i'm willing to take you know?
jeeze i really don't know what to do here. I feel like im being forced to grow up so quickly.....
Song of the day: Sparks- Coldplay
Until next time,
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
catch and release
ok SERIOUSLY. one of my favorite movies now. Definitely on my top list. GO WATCH IT. it's amazing.
so yeah, melee kinda fell through tonight. FREAKING BOWLING FOR SOUP. why do people like them? they're ridiculous. but as lauren said:
it wasn't meant to be. and you know what? we ended up watching this amazing movie, that i actually cracked up in (which i never do).
Yes. Tonight. Was. Fun.
Tomorrow= shopping for a new car.
Until next time
it's a beautiful day
So a little update: I went on my behind the wheel yesterday. HOLY MAN. I was so freaked out! We drove all the way to yorba linda. I had a few mishaps though.....like um..... i ran a red light....AHEM.....
ANYWAYS. Finals are finally over thank god. I know i did really well except in math....guhh...i don't wanna check edline yet, cause it might ruin my weekend.
Let's see what else is new? I think Greg Laswell is climbing up the list of my favorite bands. He's amazing.
I woke up at 6:00 this morning. Not because i had to go somewhere or anything, but just on my own. I have no idea why. It's my internal clock. I should set it back like 3 hours on the weekend haha. I think it's also because i had a pretty nasty dream too. Not a nightmare, just like a frustrating one. The kind where you wake up in a bad mood.
I was supposed to go out last night. But i didn't. Why is that? oh wait. I know.......
Song of the Day: Slide- Goo Goo Dolls
Until next time
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
my neck hurts
it's really stiff. MEH.
i know what it's from though...... 4 HOURS OF STUDYING FOR CHEM. jesus i hope i do good on that tomorrow. today was a pretty easy day for me. i think i did well.
Im really excited for this week (after finals are over). I have my behind the wheel on Friday, and then hopefully i'll get to go see melee with lauren on shaterday? And a new semester starts so it's a clean slate for my grades, thank god.
this is really a pointless entry, but hey, i hade 5 minutes to spare before i went to bed....BEFORE 11?? GASP. this hasn't happened in a long time.
Song of the Day: Addicted- Enrique Iglesias ( i forgot how good this song was!)
Until next time
i know what it's from though...... 4 HOURS OF STUDYING FOR CHEM. jesus i hope i do good on that tomorrow. today was a pretty easy day for me. i think i did well.
Im really excited for this week (after finals are over). I have my behind the wheel on Friday, and then hopefully i'll get to go see melee with lauren on shaterday? And a new semester starts so it's a clean slate for my grades, thank god.
this is really a pointless entry, but hey, i hade 5 minutes to spare before i went to bed....BEFORE 11?? GASP. this hasn't happened in a long time.
Song of the Day: Addicted- Enrique Iglesias ( i forgot how good this song was!)
Until next time
Monday, January 22, 2007
cheschire cat
ugh. i just got back from study sesh at the school. but honestly, i am SO glad i went. i got extra credit points, and i understand everything for the most part now. thank god.
oh my gosh, but on the way there, the car in front of us ran over a cat......holy lord. We drove past it and like, it's upper half of its body was like literally twisted around. it was struggling to get up and walk and it just couldn't. GOD i felt soooooo bad for it. like, i wanted to puke and cry at the same time.
Anytime i see an animal get run over i always think of that happening to andrew and i just get sick to my stomach. haha. i seriously don't know what im gonna do when that dog dies. i think i'll die as well.
But enough of that.
On the way home, there was a crescent moon out, but it was sideways, so it looked like a big smile. And it reminded me of the cheschire cat in alice in wonderland. It was pretty cool.
So yeah, finals tomorrow. I got: math, auto, and video haha. Pretty easy day, considering that i get math now. Anywho, if you're reading this, wish me luck tomorrow. I gotta go and study some more.
Song of the Day: Sing Theresa Says- Greg Laswell (This guy is amazing)
Until next time
oh my gosh, but on the way there, the car in front of us ran over a cat......holy lord. We drove past it and like, it's upper half of its body was like literally twisted around. it was struggling to get up and walk and it just couldn't. GOD i felt soooooo bad for it. like, i wanted to puke and cry at the same time.
Anytime i see an animal get run over i always think of that happening to andrew and i just get sick to my stomach. haha. i seriously don't know what im gonna do when that dog dies. i think i'll die as well.
But enough of that.
On the way home, there was a crescent moon out, but it was sideways, so it looked like a big smile. And it reminded me of the cheschire cat in alice in wonderland. It was pretty cool.
So yeah, finals tomorrow. I got: math, auto, and video haha. Pretty easy day, considering that i get math now. Anywho, if you're reading this, wish me luck tomorrow. I gotta go and study some more.
Song of the Day: Sing Theresa Says- Greg Laswell (This guy is amazing)
Until next time
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Wanna see me tapdance?
So yeah, that was fun. and TONIGHT. oh man. half an hour ago i was at chain watching daphne loves derby. They were soooo goooood! Ugh amazing, AMAZING! except, people at the show were retarded as usual. and smelled like shit. God they were so annoying. yes, they were.
Christ, finals are next week. You know what that means kids!!!! I'm studying alllll weekend long. And editing. But im actually looking forward to that. OH! i forgot to say, last night, was probably one of the best smallville episodes of the whole series. JUSTICE LEAGUE BABY. It was so cool! Yeah, anywho what else is there? Oh, i found this song, and it's soooo pretty. One of the best songs i've heard. And actually i've got a few S.O.D. (songs of the day). Here you go.
High and Low- Greg Laswell
Sundays- Daphne Loves Derby
Closing Down the Pattern Department- Daphne Loves Derby
Better Part of Me- House of Fools
Until next time,
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
The finals are coming!
I actually have some free time before 10:00?? what the heck??
So yeah, i've been meaning to write for the past few days but just haven't had the time. and that sucks because the cool things i was gonna write about have just completely left my mind. so i'll write what i can remember. let's see....
i submitted my entry for USF. I'll leave the guessing up to you as to what that stands for, cause im too embarrassed to say. haha. Let's just say, the prize is like, a dream of mine. In any case, my entry is pretty kick ass.
today at lunch was really fun. oh wait..... EXCEPT the part where my backpack got turned inside out.
allie...poor, poor, allie. i don't think she realizes what she just got herself into. She's playing with fire man. Because you DO NOT want to get on my vengeful side. hahaha. When i do the payback of THE CENTURY i'll write about it ahah.
anywho, daphne loves derby in two days!!! im stoked. and we have to get there early. plain and simple. the end.
smallville tomorrow!! only im gonna have to miss it because i have to film.....this is the first time i'm missing it in like, 4 years. GOD. im so ashamed.
my leg hurts like hell, and today i had the worst cramps of my life. haha. im sure you want to know this. and OHHH GODDDD. finals next week. kill me now. i really hate them. with a passion. after next week, i'll be able to relax, but until then it's gonna be hell.
umm yeah i think that's it. besides the fact that i can no longer ask the guy i wanted to to formal. because he's being asked by someone else. who happens to be my friend so i can't just ask him first. but if she wasn't my friend.....HELLZ YEAH i would've asked him first hahaha.
i've got a double slamma-jamma for you!
Song of the day: In my life- The Beatles
Phrase of the day: What the pho?
Until next time,
So yeah, i've been meaning to write for the past few days but just haven't had the time. and that sucks because the cool things i was gonna write about have just completely left my mind. so i'll write what i can remember. let's see....
i submitted my entry for USF. I'll leave the guessing up to you as to what that stands for, cause im too embarrassed to say. haha. Let's just say, the prize is like, a dream of mine. In any case, my entry is pretty kick ass.
today at lunch was really fun. oh wait..... EXCEPT the part where my backpack got turned inside out.
allie...poor, poor, allie. i don't think she realizes what she just got herself into. She's playing with fire man. Because you DO NOT want to get on my vengeful side. hahaha. When i do the payback of THE CENTURY i'll write about it ahah.
anywho, daphne loves derby in two days!!! im stoked. and we have to get there early. plain and simple. the end.
smallville tomorrow!! only im gonna have to miss it because i have to film.....this is the first time i'm missing it in like, 4 years. GOD. im so ashamed.
my leg hurts like hell, and today i had the worst cramps of my life. haha. im sure you want to know this. and OHHH GODDDD. finals next week. kill me now. i really hate them. with a passion. after next week, i'll be able to relax, but until then it's gonna be hell.
umm yeah i think that's it. besides the fact that i can no longer ask the guy i wanted to to formal. because he's being asked by someone else. who happens to be my friend so i can't just ask him first. but if she wasn't my friend.....HELLZ YEAH i would've asked him first hahaha.
i've got a double slamma-jamma for you!
Song of the day: In my life- The Beatles
Phrase of the day: What the pho?
Until next time,
Friday, January 12, 2007
it's a friday night
"and for the first time in a long time im stuck at home playing on my computer. and why is this?
i think i have a PRETTY GOOD idea.
Until next time
that was literally.......two minutes ago. and now lauren asked me if i wanted to go to a concert with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAHA talk about karma biotch!!!!
Song of the Day: If I Could Paint- Corey Benjamin
i think i have a PRETTY GOOD idea.
Until next time
that was literally.......two minutes ago. and now lauren asked me if i wanted to go to a concert with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAHA talk about karma biotch!!!!
Song of the Day: If I Could Paint- Corey Benjamin
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Clana my butt!
smallville sucked tonight.
well okay. i SUPPOSE it was a good episode.....it was actually.
Acting wise, the actors were amazing, and they story line was reallllyy good. honestly, overall a good episode. BUT....
freaking clark man. what a dickhead. WHAT A DICKHEAD!!!
i love this show, but i hate it even more.
hahaha it's a love/hate thing with me and this freaking show. ok. enough of my ranting. i have to get up early and drive to school. woot.
Song of the day: There is Hope- Number One Gun
Until next time
well okay. i SUPPOSE it was a good episode.....it was actually.
Acting wise, the actors were amazing, and they story line was reallllyy good. honestly, overall a good episode. BUT....
freaking clark man. what a dickhead. WHAT A DICKHEAD!!!
i love this show, but i hate it even more.
hahaha it's a love/hate thing with me and this freaking show. ok. enough of my ranting. i have to get up early and drive to school. woot.
Song of the day: There is Hope- Number One Gun
Until next time
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
i've decided
my attributes, without sounding conceited:
-good listener
-good advice giver
but i've decided that all of this doesn't mean shit. because these things all get covered up by my biggest fault: my inability to express myself and my secrecy. it's a genetic thing, trust me. but it still doesn't change the fact that everything gets fucked up because of it. FUCK THIS.
Song of the day: From Yesterday- 30 Seconds to Mars
Until next time
-good listener
-good advice giver
but i've decided that all of this doesn't mean shit. because these things all get covered up by my biggest fault: my inability to express myself and my secrecy. it's a genetic thing, trust me. but it still doesn't change the fact that everything gets fucked up because of it. FUCK THIS.
Song of the day: From Yesterday- 30 Seconds to Mars
Until next time
Sunday, January 07, 2007
reality sets in...
winter break has finally come to an end. it really didn't go by fast for me, thankfully. i feel like i've been on vacation for the longest time. chris and i were talking and it's definitely been the weirdest vacation we've ever had.
i'm so sad/angry for tomorrow though. i freaking hate school. time to go back to ridiculous teachers and ridiculous homework. oh and drama! how fun!
the only thing i'm looking forward to this week is smallville. it's gonna be tizzite. i can't wait. so yeah, just thought i'd get a word in before i go do my winter break homework, that of course i wait till the last day to do. oh and i've gotta clean my room.....great.
on a more positive note, this song has been somewhat cheering me up. you should listen to it, it's GREAT.
Song of the day: Stars and Boulevards- Augustana
Until next time
i'm so sad/angry for tomorrow though. i freaking hate school. time to go back to ridiculous teachers and ridiculous homework. oh and drama! how fun!
the only thing i'm looking forward to this week is smallville. it's gonna be tizzite. i can't wait. so yeah, just thought i'd get a word in before i go do my winter break homework, that of course i wait till the last day to do. oh and i've gotta clean my room.....great.
on a more positive note, this song has been somewhat cheering me up. you should listen to it, it's GREAT.
Song of the day: Stars and Boulevards- Augustana
Until next time
Thursday, January 04, 2007
jeeze louise
that's all i can say right now. god i am in SUCH a crappy mood. i just wanna curl up into a ball and go to sleep forever. the friend drama has returned.....surprise, surprise.....
there's so much crap, and secrets, and horrible things that have happened, that i feel if i say the least little thing, im backstabbing someone just for expressing my opinion. i really can't take it anymore. im afraid that something i said is gonna be taken out of context and used against me. i'm not really good at expressing what i REALLY feel so i act a certain way and sugarcoat things just to not hurt someone's feelings, and then i look like a total hipocrite. the confrontations are coming too. and i CANNOT stand confrontations.
the only thing i know for certain is this: school is gonna be INTERESTING next week. all the dirt is going to unravel, i can feel it.
i really think we've added new meaning to " high school drama". the only good thing that came out of this is that i know who i'm asking to formal now haha. big whoop.
Song of the day: Leaders of the Free World- Elbow
Until next time
that's all i can say right now. god i am in SUCH a crappy mood. i just wanna curl up into a ball and go to sleep forever. the friend drama has returned.....surprise, surprise.....
there's so much crap, and secrets, and horrible things that have happened, that i feel if i say the least little thing, im backstabbing someone just for expressing my opinion. i really can't take it anymore. im afraid that something i said is gonna be taken out of context and used against me. i'm not really good at expressing what i REALLY feel so i act a certain way and sugarcoat things just to not hurt someone's feelings, and then i look like a total hipocrite. the confrontations are coming too. and i CANNOT stand confrontations.
the only thing i know for certain is this: school is gonna be INTERESTING next week. all the dirt is going to unravel, i can feel it.
i really think we've added new meaning to " high school drama". the only good thing that came out of this is that i know who i'm asking to formal now haha. big whoop.
Song of the day: Leaders of the Free World- Elbow
Until next time
Monday, January 01, 2007
interesting start
i woke up at 2 pm today. i was basically dead from last night. it was so much fun though. i danced with this cute costa rican guy haha. the only sad part was that we couldn't find a radio or tv station that was counting down so it was kinda like....
" What time is it?"
" It's 11:59!"
" Oh god!.....What time is it now?"
" It's midnight!"
" Oh!....well....HEY! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!"
hahahah. but yeah. i had a blast last night.
HOWEVER. there always seems to be something that just goes wrong. and on the first day of the year, no less.
Some new information has come to my attention and i don't know what to think. i feel like i wanna puke, and kill someone, and slap myself for being so stupid.....and bring someone back to life and bury them alive.
It's amazing how stuff that happened 6 months ago can come around and bite you in the butt.
Until next time,
" What time is it?"
" It's 11:59!"
" Oh god!.....What time is it now?"
" It's midnight!"
" Oh!....well....HEY! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!"
hahahah. but yeah. i had a blast last night.
HOWEVER. there always seems to be something that just goes wrong. and on the first day of the year, no less.
Some new information has come to my attention and i don't know what to think. i feel like i wanna puke, and kill someone, and slap myself for being so stupid.....and bring someone back to life and bury them alive.
It's amazing how stuff that happened 6 months ago can come around and bite you in the butt.
Until next time,
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