Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The finals are coming!

I actually have some free time before 10:00?? what the heck??

So yeah, i've been meaning to write for the past few days but just haven't had the time. and that sucks because the cool things i was gonna write about have just completely left my mind. so i'll write what i can remember. let's see....

i submitted my entry for USF. I'll leave the guessing up to you as to what that stands for, cause im too embarrassed to say. haha. Let's just say, the prize is like, a dream of mine. In any case, my entry is pretty kick ass.

today at lunch was really fun. oh wait..... EXCEPT the part where my backpack got turned inside out.

allie...poor, poor, allie. i don't think she realizes what she just got herself into. She's playing with fire man. Because you DO NOT want to get on my vengeful side. hahaha. When i do the payback of THE CENTURY i'll write about it ahah.

anywho, daphne loves derby in two days!!! im stoked. and we have to get there early. plain and simple. the end.

smallville tomorrow!! only im gonna have to miss it because i have to film.....this is the first time i'm missing it in like, 4 years. GOD. im so ashamed.

my leg hurts like hell, and today i had the worst cramps of my life. haha. im sure you want to know this. and OHHH GODDDD. finals next week. kill me now. i really hate them. with a passion. after next week, i'll be able to relax, but until then it's gonna be hell.

umm yeah i think that's it. besides the fact that i can no longer ask the guy i wanted to to formal. because he's being asked by someone else. who happens to be my friend so i can't just ask him first. but if she wasn't my friend.....HELLZ YEAH i would've asked him first hahaha.

i've got a double slamma-jamma for you!

Song of the day: In my life- The Beatles
Phrase of the day: What the pho?

Until next time,

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