Monday, February 05, 2007

i broke the streak

of updating daily....dammit.

let's see, what's happened since the 28th? hmm not much. Chris came over on friday and we had a smallville marathon....for like two hours? haha that was fun. and then shaterday i went to this italian restaraunt called Aldo's at the circle. SO GOOD. sunday i was supposed to do something. but that fell through again.....HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM????????????

ok so school is officially the worst thing in my life right now. haha. we just started a new semester and i'm off to a bad start already. I'm falling behind and i hate it. and i admit that it's completely all my fault because i haven't been applying myself. whatever, starting this week i am gonna be #1 scholar. whatever that means.

gosh, and the friend department hasn't been helping at all either the past few days. i don't know, certain things that people do just don't make me really mad, when i know they should. idk, maybe it was just the way i was brought up. i take things more personally than other people intend them to be, and if i say anything, i look like a total wuss. " Retard-itus" strikes again.

i've come to realize that i can really only talk to two people. i mean really TALK to. both of them were kinda unexpected. but yeah, great listeners and non-judgemental. hands down.

i've just been feeling really crappy lately. hopefully this will go away soon.

chipotle's tomorrow......woot....(i think??)
beach on wednesday....woot....(i FREAKING think????)

whatever. i've come to realize that i shouldn't expect anything out of anyone when it comes to these situations.

Songs of the day: Gravity- John Mayer
The Sky is a Landfill- Jeff Buckley
Setting of the Sun- Ben Jelen

off to bed, i said. it's time for bed.....BEFORE 10??? WOT????

Until next time

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