Friday, May 11, 2007

i'm starving

god, life would be so much easier if i had my license. and if lauren had her car haha.

so the plan for tonight, HOPEFULLY, is go to chipotle and then to a cool coffee shop in laguna. and if time allows back to my place for the wedding singer. haha god i love that movie. Caseyface is leaving tomorrow!!! i'm so sad.

and jealous. grrr. but she we're doing something in the morning that's been getting postponed for the past 3 weeks so that'll be exciting. and then i'm having brunch with her and her familia before she leaves.

and can i just say that smallville is in deep. i mean DEEEEEP. the producers are digging themselves a shithole that they won't be able to come out of...mark my words. i think by the series finale i'll be the only person watching. i hate that show sometimes.

anyways, it's good to start updating again. i missed it haha. i enjoy typing nonsense everyday. it's liberating.

Song of the day: Wish you were here- Sparklehorse

Until next time,

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