Monday, May 26, 2008


ugh this weekend was so boringggg! i really didn't do anything except mooch around the house all day. but on the other hand i guess it was good cause i've been so stressed out at school and stuff. ONLY THREE MORE WEEKS! words cannot describe my excitement.

on another note, i lurve the prom pics :)
Song of the day: Forever- Sol Seppy
Until next time

Friday, May 23, 2008

it wasn't me!

my title is totally random. i don't know, it was just the first thing i thought of. it's a recurring quote from one of my favorite movies. anyways, the heatwave broke, but now we have freakin like, MONSOON weather and it poured yesterday and rained today. this weather is freaking crazy. just adds to my theory that the world will end in four years. i'm not even kidding. but trust me, that's a whollllle other entry. it's a subject i don't want to get into right now.

anywho i have ABSOLUTELY nothing else to write today. so sorry if you came here looking for some juicy piece of gossip from my life! :)

Song of the day: Sweetness Follows- R.E.M.

Until next time

Sunday, May 18, 2008

the heat wave

is killing me. this is why i hate summer. well i mean, i like it because there's no school and stuff, but i hate the weather. ANYWAYS.

i've been having the weirdest dreams lately and they all seem to come true in one way or another. it's strange. it's funny too cause i've always thought that i've been psychically inclined and everyone always laughs at me. but trust me, i have the gift!

there's really not much to write about tonight. i was just bored and wanted to keep up the habit of updating. *shrug*.

let's see, what's a really cool philosophical thought that i can leave on? oh, i found this really cool quote the other day that seems to describe my view on religion to a tee. in the past year or so, i've really been questioning my thoughts and beliefs about religion, questioning if i even believed in a God or not. but i seem to have a reached a conclusion:

"Love God with all your heart, and do what you want."

Song of the day: Joker and the Thief- Wolfmother

Until next time

Monday, May 12, 2008

the list

After tomorrow, I'll have SOOO many things to look forward to. I mean, graduation and stuff go without saying obviously, but i'm talking about all the things i get to do before i leave. there's so many places for me to see, so many things for me to do that i started to make a list. I call it "The List" hahah. So yeah, basically i'm just writing down all the things i have to accomplish before i leave in December. It includes such things as:
  • Eat at BJ's
  • Watch the sunrise from Cowan Heights (or somewhere up there)
  • Compare my handprints at Mann's Chinese Theater
  • Go ghost riding

Haha, ok that last one, i GUESS i could do in Costa Rica, but that just defeats the whole purpose! Anyways, i studied as much as i could for the psych AP tomorrow, hopefully i'll do well on it. Only 22 more days of school left. Holy sheeeeit. I cannot wait. Honestly, the thing that i'm looking forward to the most is throwing my cap up in the air. That will seriously be a defining moment in my life.

I don't know, i guess all this joy and enthustiasticness stems from the fact that i saw "Into the Wild" a few nights ago, and has changed my outlook on many things in my life. So right about.......NOW......things are looking pretty good.


Song of the day: Somewhere Only We Know- Keane

Until next time


Friday, May 09, 2008

Viva la Vida

ok, so i've only downloaded two tracks from Coldplay's new album (legally, thank you very much!) and i can already tell it's freaking AWESOME. and they announced their US tour dates today! they're not playing in southern california, which sucks, but i think the closest place is Vegas or Glendale.

Who's down???

Song of the Day: Viva la vida- Coldplay

Until next time

Sunday, May 04, 2008

legal beagle

it is my 18th birthday today. it's so surreal. it doesn't even feel like it. i know i said i wasn't really excited for it, but last night got me so amped up for today. haha, trust me, that doesn't mean i'm happy about getting older.

but last night was so much fun! THANK GOD. after 4 years of thinking about prom, i was scared it wouldn't live up to my expectations, but i had so much fun. i'm glad it wasn't a total disaster. and i'm so glad i got to share it with chris and casey! that was just the cherry on top of it all. i mean, it was pretty much granted that i would have a good time with those two.

on another note, i OWNED at rock n bowl last two points hahaha. but yes, overall last night was pretty much perfect, and hopefully today will be awesome as well. it's so weird to think i've been alive for 18 years.....

now i can buy porn!! yeahhhh!!! hahahhaha

Song of the day: You give me something- James Morrison

Until next time

Thursday, May 01, 2008


smallville was meh tonight. i can't wait till the finale though. and i have a feeling next year is going to suck big time.

so my birthday is on sunday, and i'm not excited about it at all. what's wrong with me?! it's my freaking 18th birthday, i should be ecstatic. It's funny but what my uncle said to me on my 15th birthday is definitely ringing true: "Sary, after your 15th birthday, the years go by like that *snaps fingers*" haha.

i know it's pathetic and i have my whole life ahead of me, but 18 just sounds SOOOO OOLLDD! if it were up to me, i'd stay a kid forever. it's interesting because we were talking about credit today in econ, and it hit me that adulthood focuses sooo much on money, and mortgages, and bad credit, and payments and bullshit. it's no wonder people just fade away when they get older because they spend every waking moment of their life worrying about next month's paycheck. and living in this place certainly lends itself to that.

and you know, i see my parents and see their situation, and their life has become just that. it's all about material things and stress, and there's never enough time to just enjoy being alive, and that's not a life at all. and that's exactly what i dont' want to become. i guess that's one of the reason's why i didn't really hesitate to move, because life is so different there. it's just like a completely different world.

so i don't know, with AP's, cancelling my admission, knowing that i'm leaving in 7 months, and realizing that growing up means having to face the fact that you get more and more detached from living, maybe the reason why i'm not looking forward to my birthday is because it could not have come at a worst time.

Song of the day: Meaning- Gavin Degraw

Until next time