Sunday, May 18, 2008

the heat wave

is killing me. this is why i hate summer. well i mean, i like it because there's no school and stuff, but i hate the weather. ANYWAYS.

i've been having the weirdest dreams lately and they all seem to come true in one way or another. it's strange. it's funny too cause i've always thought that i've been psychically inclined and everyone always laughs at me. but trust me, i have the gift!

there's really not much to write about tonight. i was just bored and wanted to keep up the habit of updating. *shrug*.

let's see, what's a really cool philosophical thought that i can leave on? oh, i found this really cool quote the other day that seems to describe my view on religion to a tee. in the past year or so, i've really been questioning my thoughts and beliefs about religion, questioning if i even believed in a God or not. but i seem to have a reached a conclusion:

"Love God with all your heart, and do what you want."

Song of the day: Joker and the Thief- Wolfmother

Until next time

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