Thursday, July 03, 2008

let's lighten things up

1) If you HAD to get a tattoo, where would you want it? Forearm

2) If you HAD to dye your hair a color what color would it be? a really light brown

3) If you HAD to get a piercing (THAT ISN'T YOUR EARS) what would it be? Eyebrow

4) If you HAD to change your name, what new name would you choose? Samantha. I've always loved that name.

The "WOULD YOU?" section:

1) Would you rather love one person or have many short relationships? One person

2) Would you move anywhere else if you could? OH BOY, would I.

3) If you were given the chance to go to Paris, would you go? Of course I would.

4) If you were given 10 million dollars to keep, what would you do? Spend a small percent of it, give half to charity, invest the rest.

The "LETS SAY" section:

1) Lets say you had to eat a live tarantula for $1,000: Umm, okay.

2) Lets say you could star in any movie (made or in the works) what movie? Ahh! Garden State for sure. And Deathproof.

The "OTHER STUFF" section:

1) What makes your bedroom unique? The awesome James Dean poster

2) Whats your favorite season of the year? Winter!

3) Do you like cheese? I luuurve cheese.

The "2008" section:

1) Good new years? Umm, not really. It was kinda sad.

2) Are you the same person as you were at the beginning of 2008? Absolutely not. It's funny It's only been what? 7 months? But I have changed a lot.

3) Anything exciting happen this year? I'm sure...

4) Have you been involved with the police this year? I have actually.

5) Are your best friends still your best friends? Good question. I'd like to know too.

6) Got any tattoos or piercings this year? Nope

7) Had a haircut yet this year? No. I'm going to chop it off next week.

8) Been in a hospital this year? Haven't stepped foot in one.

9) Lost someone you cared about this year? Um, no.

11) Been kicked out of a public place this year? No, I kicked someone out though haha.

12) Last time visiting the Library? School library, a few months ago. Public library, second grade haha.

13) What are you listening to? What AM I listening to? Public Enemy.

14) Do you like to hold hands? Ha, depends on the person.

15) Do you over analyze things? Always always always.

16) Do you have any tests or exams soon? None till next year, hopefully!

18) Coffee: Love it or hate it? Meh, who cares.

19) When you see a foggy window do you feel the need to write or draw on it? Yes, absolutely.

20) How many watches do you own? One.

21) How many jobs have you ever had? Hehe, umm, none?

22) What should you be doing? Folding laundry, walking Andrew, cleaning my room, the list goes on.

23) When was the last time you saw your father? Last night.

24) Do you currently like someone? Umm... technically speaking? Yes.

Song of the day: He Got Game- Public Enemy

Until next time

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