Wednesday, August 06, 2008

my departure

As of three days ago, I am officially leaving for Costa Rica on August 29th. That's about, 5 months before I originally intended. But truth be told, I'm not DOING anything here. I could be spending my time going over my spanish, hanging out with my cousins, and making bank at work, but instead I'm sitting on the couch all day, watching Jon and Kate plus 8. I know it's totally lame.

I'm glad I have a set date though, because now I can get all my shit together and do the things that i've been putting off all summer. In about three weeks time, I'll be hitting the road with nothing but a suitcase in one hand, and my guitar in the other (there's no way in hell i'm going 5 months without playing) and I almost forgot, with my new laptop. Dad wants to get me a Dell, but hopefully I can persuade him onto the darkside and get him to buy me a Mac. And I know there's no way of saying that previous sentence without sounding REALLY stuck up, so back off.

Also, there is something that i've been wanting to say for a while now, and I figure that this is the best place to say it. Ready?


All of you sound like girls you little pussies. Fuck you, and your fucking teeny-bopper fan base. I fucking hate you. hahahahahahahhaha.
no, i really do though.

Song of the day: Untitled- Northern

Until next time

1 comment:

Boys In Stripes said...

I'm sorry, Sary, but I can no longer read or support your blog.
That is just how loyal I am to JB.