Thursday, October 30, 2008


I want everything to do with this project as possible. I love it. It inspires me. I've never been so excited about a website in my life! haha. But it's not just a website. It's a business that advocates compassion and understanding between all groups of people on all walks of life. It's such an amazing and honorable idea. And the fact that I am so inspired by this foundation just proves that it is accomplishing what it set out to do. To inspire people.

Just a few days ago, I was feeling like my life was going nowhere, I didn't know what I was going to do, and I felt apathetic towards everything. But now, I want to get out there, pursue my dreams and accomplish my goals. The funny thing is, I don't want to just accomplish the goals that I've had for some time now. Since last night, I've been thinking of all the other things I could do in my life, and everything that awaits me if I just set my mind to it. So not only do I think I can accomplish what I set out to do, I think I can accomplish everything I have yet to think of. I know I can.

here is the website. check it out. buy a t-shirt. I've already got about 6 lined up! haha. 

and thanks to my friend Simon for this awesome new music discovery.

Artist of the day: Erik Satie

Until next time

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

don't want to go to sleep yet

alas, here i am! gosh, i really am neglecting this thing. which is weird, considering the fact that i basically have no one to talk to here except my cousins, you would think i would write here more often to get all my feelings out. 

today was the second day in a row that it didn't rain! it was so nice to actually see the sun and that actually did cheer me up. but what was even better was the sunset. i've said it before and i'll say it again, Costa Rica has the prettiest sunsets ever. i spent 15 minutes in front of my window just staring at it. it's times like those that are so beautiful that i wish i had a boyfriend, or a friend, just someone to share it with. but i don't think that'll happen until i start school and actually start meeting people and making friends. 

so i'm listening to a really sweet instrumental by Josh Kelley right now. his new album came out, and there's only one good song on it....surprise, surprise haha. if i find it, i'll put it up here so you can listen. but it's amazing how relaxed and optimistic it makes me feel. isn't it amazing how one song can change your mood completely, or take you back to a specific place or time instantly? Gosh I love those kind of songs. For the most part, the songs that remind me of someplace or time all have to do with california. The beach, or my house, or driving up Santa Clara over the bridge. To be honest though, they get me so nostalgic that I've been avoiding them ever since i got here. 

But regardless that's the power of music. To quote the master, Mr. Buckley, " Music in itself is so audacious to me." God that's so true. Can you imagine a world without music? I can't. It's almost like an element, an essential part of life. And it's so universal. I don't know, to me it's like a language that everyone can understand. And making it? Listening to it is one thing, but when you're making it, when you have an instrument in your hand, that's just a completely different experience. It's kind of like after you work out, or when you're with someone you really like haha. It gives you endorphines, and to me, it's almost an out of body thing. I just can't explain the way i feel with my guitar in my hands. It just feels right. 

Ugh, anyways, I'm babbling. Truth be told, I'm feeling pretty lonely tonight and wanted to write. I've come to realize that my blogger is now a dear friend. Well, it's always been, but i'm just now realizing it. It's always here, ready to hear my thoughts :)

On another note, James Morrison FINALLY released a new album, and I have to say I am a little disappointed, but it does have some memorable tracks. Goodnight!

Song of the day: Broken Strings- James Morrison

Until next time

******************* AND I TOTALLY FORGOT TO ADD!!!*********************


i look back on the first year i had this thing, and it's like reading about a different person....but at the same time, i'm still exactly the same :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

One fine day

I've been neglecting my poor blogger lately. I'm sorry!

But today is one of those days. You know, the rainy kind, where you want nothing more than to wear your favorite sweater and sweat pants, the lights are low in the house, you snuggle up under the covers, put on a pot of coffee, and watch your favorite movie or listen to your favorite music? Well it's what I'm doing at this moment. I figured I'd be proactive and not complain about the rain so much and take advantage of it. I know I said I'd write about music today, but I have to put it off once again. I feel like writing a lot today, and I have a few things to get off my chest. 

First I want to tell you about my weekend. It was a lot of fun. On Friday, I went out with my cousin Natalia and some of her friends from work. Unfortunately for me, most of the guys were in their 30's haha, so no luck there. But they were all pretty cool. First we went to this bar called Longhorns (how more gringo could you get man?). But it was SUCH a cool bar! I only had one drink while everyone else was getting pretty much wasted. My tolerance level is really low still haha, but honestly I don't care if it gets higher or not. I'm not a big drinker. Anyways, I saw a bunch of very attractive guys there :) I wanted to go and say something to some of them, but I figured I'll sit back and observe for now. Ticos are very different from gringos, and I still haven't figured them out quite yet haha.

After Longhorns we went to this new casino by the airport called Fiesta. Mm-hmm. It was a really nice casino though. It felt like being in Vegas. For the first time ever I played the slots! It's really boring actually but I made about 750 colones, which is about a buck and a half hahah. But I loved the whole ambience of the place. Live band, dance floor, go-go dancers haha. But honestly, after about the first hour I was over it. Unfortunately we stayed for another hour and a half and we ended up getting home at 3. My cousin could barely make it up the stairs haha. What a sight. I've realized that pretty much my entire family is amazing for getting tipsy. They all love to drink! No alcoholics though thankfully. 

Okay, now on to the other stuff. This is something I have trouble with, and am trying to overcome: Initiative. In some aspects of my life I have it, in others I don't. Where do I have it? With my friends. If I ever get in a fight or argument, or if something is bothering the other person I always take the initiative and am the first one to say something. Where do I not have it? In pursuing my goals. They always say the first step is the hardest in realizing your dreams, and it definitely rings true for me. Simply put, I am very lazy. And I hate that about myself. I was supposed to call my college counselor about a month ago and I still haven't. I was supposed to read this book to help my spanish a week ago and I still haven't. I was supposed to shave my legs this morning and I didn't haha. You see what I mean? I have a problem with initiative and procrastination. I know those things I just listed are small, but if I don't take care of this problem now, soon this lack of initiative will cross over into the more important areas of my life. I think the key is passion. If I was as passionate about all these things as I am about my friends and family, then I would be on the right track. I just have to find a way or reason to care about these things. But what scares me is that I SHOULD already care about them. Is apathy taking over my life?

I don't know the answer. But it is definitely something I have to work on. Sorry about the somber atmosphere in here, but on a happier note, Ray Lamontagne's new album is amazing :) And I can't wait for Halloween next weekend. 

Song of the day: Someone Like You- Van Morrison

Until next time

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

I love it

          "This was my morning"           
I had SUCH a good day today! And I honestly have no idea why, because it wasn't anything spectacular. I got up around 9, ate breakfast, took a shower, and headed out with my grandpa to do some errands. We drove around Chepe to the optometrist, the bank, Fischel, etc., and it was a beautiful morning for the most part. It's so weird to see the people drive here. Well, I'm not sure if "weird" is the best word to describe it..."astonishing" is better haha. 

Honest to God, people make their own rules and lanes here. It's crazy. The other day we were at a stoplight and first in line was a moped, a cop, and then us. The light was red of course, and the guy on the moped got frustrated because it was taking a long time, so he just went for it and sped off, right in front of the cop! Do you think he did anything? Nope. Haha. He just looked at the guy next to him in the other lane and just laughed about it. It's little things like that that make me smile and say "Only in Costa Rica". 

So after our errands and stuff, we came back, ate lunch, and had an amazing nap. I've gotten used to that here now. After lunch, EVERYONE goes and takes a little siesta. I usually just lay down and watch TV because I can never fall asleep during the day, but today I actually slept. Anywho, after that I started working on this fake trailer that I'm making for Smallville. Yes, roll your eyes if you want to, but it's freaking tiiiiight. It looks real. And I gotta use Final Cut for something right? Otherwise what's the point? But I love editing. Maybe even more than directing. The whole thing is like a puzzle. And once you get the idea mapped out in your head, you lay all the clips out and play around with them, and then slowly but surely, it all unfolds and starts to make sense, exactly the way you envisioned it. I'm about a minute in right now. I think you can post videos on this thing...maybe when I'm done I'll post it up here.

I guess another reason why I'm in such a good mood is because I have discovered some awesome new music. I LOVE it when that happens. "Fleet Foxes" are my new favorite discovery. Strongly recommend them. And Ray LaMontagne's new single is amazing, as all his music is. His new album comes out in a few days. I love that man. 

I had the weirdest dream last night. Well, all my dreams are weird, but I've been remembering them more and more lately. So now I have a better idea of how my dreams work. I never knew if I dreamt in black and white, or color. I always had the idea it was more technicolor. But my dream last nigh was in full color. And at first, I was having the dream from my point of view, but then I was watching myself. I was on this cliff thing and it was like a helicopter aerial shot and I was looking down at myself....but I could still feel the wind on my face. It was so weird. And then it went back to my point of view. I was with someone ( who shall remain nameless) and then I kissed him, and I could feel everything. IT WAS SO COOL! I love it when that happens too haha. 

Anyways, I'm in an exceedingly good mood, which doesn't really happen often so I'm enjoying this right now. Sorry for the useless ranting about my day, but I felt like retelling what happened to me today. Next post will be about music I promise. Speaking of which...

Song of the day: Ragged Wood- Fleet Foxes

Until next time

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I hear a gecko in my room!

Today is one of those days where I simply want to write....or type. I had a pretty awesome entry about music thought out but I think I'll wait till another day. I decided that to exclusively limit this blog to deep, philosophical discussions is kinda dumb. Not that deep, philosophical discussions are bad, in fact, they're what make the world go round hah. But a good story is always awesome. And sometimes an entry doesn't have to have a specific purpose. So basically, I'm going to write about whatever I want....which is what I've been doing for the past 2 years. Groundbreaking.

So I've been keeping up with the Steins- I mean, keeping up with the election back home through CNN here. I never thought I'd actually be excited to watch CNN in my life. Haha, I'm becoming that boring adult that I swore I would never become! No, no, it's good to watch the news. You gotta watch the news to keep yourself informed. Mostly I've been watching to watch Obama and Biden kick McCain and Palin's ARSES haha. Revenge is sweet. Hopefully we can keep up our lead for the next four weeks.

And that's all I feel like writing today. Sorry it wasn't more interesting, but I'm on my bed and my shoulder hurts....and apparently Simon's bugging me to post haha. Have a good night. 

Song of the day: Leave- Glen Hansard

Until next time