Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I hear a gecko in my room!

Today is one of those days where I simply want to write....or type. I had a pretty awesome entry about music thought out but I think I'll wait till another day. I decided that to exclusively limit this blog to deep, philosophical discussions is kinda dumb. Not that deep, philosophical discussions are bad, in fact, they're what make the world go round hah. But a good story is always awesome. And sometimes an entry doesn't have to have a specific purpose. So basically, I'm going to write about whatever I want....which is what I've been doing for the past 2 years. Groundbreaking.

So I've been keeping up with the Steins- I mean, keeping up with the election back home through CNN here. I never thought I'd actually be excited to watch CNN in my life. Haha, I'm becoming that boring adult that I swore I would never become! No, no, it's good to watch the news. You gotta watch the news to keep yourself informed. Mostly I've been watching to watch Obama and Biden kick McCain and Palin's ARSES haha. Revenge is sweet. Hopefully we can keep up our lead for the next four weeks.

And that's all I feel like writing today. Sorry it wasn't more interesting, but I'm on my bed and my shoulder hurts....and apparently Simon's bugging me to post haha. Have a good night. 

Song of the day: Leave- Glen Hansard

Until next time

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