Good evening!
I have absolutely nothing to do but I'm in such a calm state of mind, I figured right now would be perfect to write. Today was super hot all day, but as soon as the sun set it got sooo nice. It reminded me of summer nights back home when it felt good to roll the window down in the car at night and sleep with the windows open. Ahh, just thinking about it puts me in a good mood. That's definitely at the top of my "Simple Pleasures of Life" list. I should write all of them down in the next entry!
So I finally got my I.D. and my driver's license which means I am officially a Costa Rican citizen. I was honestly more excited about the driver's license haha. I can finally freaking drive now. I started exercising again after about 3 months. Starting up again is always hard because you feel out of shape but you just gotta get back in the rhythm again. But I'm not going to the gym, screw that. I haaate going to the gym, although the one thing I will really miss is that cute guy that I always saw haha. He probably has a girlfriend though with my luck. Instead of the gym, I'm just running around my neighborhood which is really good to run in. I'm going to try to run at least 3 or 4 times a 4. Let's say 4.
I started messing around with photoshop again and it's so much fun! I got really, really good at one point about 6 months ago but stopped for some reason, so I'm re-learning all the cool tricks I learned before. I also started drawing again, I'm working on Freddie Mercury right now. It's definitely one of the harder ones I've had to do.
Running, drawing, using Photoshop, whatever, it all keeps my mind busy which is what I really need. I need to feel like I'm not wasting my time in the house all day and I need to feel productive as well. I think mentally, I'm pretty stable right now, as far as not losing my mind to boredom goes. My next step is to get set financially- I NEED A JOB. Goal next week is to write my resumé and just start sending it everywhere. I need my own money so I can stop asking my parents and hopefully pay for the car so we won't have to sell it. You have no idea how sad it's made me this past week. It's like the one thing that really made me happy here is being taken away after only 4 months. Anyways, I'm hoping that works out.
I've found it's really easier to not feel like I'm just wasting oxygen by setting goals for myself every week. They don't have to be huge, just something like "type out my resumé" or "Study for the test a week earlier". Little things like that. It really makes me feel like I accomplished something regardless of how big or small it is. Anywho, my eyes are getting tired. I've spent all weekend doing this huge project for math, I should finish it by tomorrow....well I kinda have to, it's due on Monday haha. Have a good night whoever you are, wherever you are.
Song of the day: Who Needs Shelter- Jason Mraz
Until next time
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