my frieeendss!!
So I was going to do Artist of the Week today but with the orgy of a celebration that I've been taking part in today because of the World Cup, I had to share my thoughts on the subject.
Words cannot express how happy I am right now. It's been a longtime coming, but we finally did it. I've been with them since the beginning...since before the beginning actually. I think they're the first team ever to win the Euro Cup and the World Cup consecutively. In any case, no one deserved it more than they did. And I swear I'm not making this up and I'm not trying to get all superstitious, but since the World Cup started I had this feeling, I just knew they were going to win. And it was just my fool's hope because they were my favorite team to win, I genuinely felt like they were going to make it to the end; there was just never a doubt in my mind. Even when they went up against Germany in the semi-finals, I wasn't worried. Something told me they would make it.
And I'll be frank with you right now: I fucking DESERVED that win. Because every single team I've supported in every other sport this year has lost. Colts? Lost. Ducks? Lost. Celtics? MISERABLE loss. Costa Rica didn't even qualify for the World Cup and we lost against USA in possibly the most heart-wrenching game I've ever witnessed. Needless to say, this has not been a good year in sports for me haha. But you know, if it meant that I would be rejoicing today for my favorite soccer team and for the biggest sporting event in the world, it was all worth it. Victory never felt sweeter.
And might I add just before I go, that my future husband, the amazing Cesc Fabregas assisted the winning goal? :D Yeah, he's that good.

Song of the day: Metropol 47- Mark Kozelek
Until next time,
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