Thursday, October 30, 2008


I want everything to do with this project as possible. I love it. It inspires me. I've never been so excited about a website in my life! haha. But it's not just a website. It's a business that advocates compassion and understanding between all groups of people on all walks of life. It's such an amazing and honorable idea. And the fact that I am so inspired by this foundation just proves that it is accomplishing what it set out to do. To inspire people.

Just a few days ago, I was feeling like my life was going nowhere, I didn't know what I was going to do, and I felt apathetic towards everything. But now, I want to get out there, pursue my dreams and accomplish my goals. The funny thing is, I don't want to just accomplish the goals that I've had for some time now. Since last night, I've been thinking of all the other things I could do in my life, and everything that awaits me if I just set my mind to it. So not only do I think I can accomplish what I set out to do, I think I can accomplish everything I have yet to think of. I know I can.

here is the website. check it out. buy a t-shirt. I've already got about 6 lined up! haha. 

and thanks to my friend Simon for this awesome new music discovery.

Artist of the day: Erik Satie

Until next time


Kelsey said...

Sary this is so cool!!! I love it. I'm making one (:

p.s. I got hypnotized at senior munch! ahhaha finally!!!!!

Sarynelli said...

KELSO!! I'M GLAD YOU LIKE IT! i want to get everyone to wear one haha.

and i can't believe you got hypnotized at munch. i hope someone videotaped it!!

i love/miss you!!!