good GOD it's been such a long time....i apologize.
many a thing has happened in the last two months, but it's more than i care to write about. you know, it's winding down to the new year and i pretty much feel the same as i did last year. how fucking sad is that? granted things have definitely changed, for the better IMO, but i still feel like there is something lacking in my life. i know exactly what it is too.
so, this year i decided to actually MAKE a new year's resolution as opposed to last time when i didn't, because um....well that didn't work out did it? and i have a strong feeling that i will accomplish it this time. i've wasted so much time being unhappy and not doing anything about it. i'm sick of feeling the same at the end of every year and not growing as a person. i turn 18 in five months, and it's time i get my shit together.
i'll write again tomorrow for some final thoughts about this past year, but for now, just let me sulk in my sadness one more fucking time.
Song of the day: Cancelling Christmas- Michelle Featherstone
Until next time
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
happy birthday
Something weird happened last night. I've been a Jeff Buckley fan for quite awhile now. And it's weird but I have this thing where I'll get really into him for about a week, i mean, i'll listen to every single song on his albums on repeat for days, look up all his videos on youtube and stuff, and then all the excitement kinda disappears until the next time i get obsessed. Not that I ever "get over him" i mean, i listen to his music all the time, it's just that every so often i get into a stage where EVERYTHING I DO IS ABOUT JEFF.
Up until last night, i hadn't had a obsession session for a while. So when i got back home from dinner, out of nowhere i took out my guitar and started playing his songs. And i played every single track from both of his albums all night. And then i found 2 interviews on youtube that i had never seen before and they were AMAZING. (check my myspace.) And i sat here in my room for about 4 hours just completely absorbed in everything Jeff. And not to sound weird but this was the biggest "obsession session" i think i've ever had. So about 5 minutes ago, i go onto his official website and clink on a link that said "birthday celebrations".

Happy Birthday Jeff. Wherever you are.
Up until last night, i hadn't had a obsession session for a while. So when i got back home from dinner, out of nowhere i took out my guitar and started playing his songs. And i played every single track from both of his albums all night. And then i found 2 interviews on youtube that i had never seen before and they were AMAZING. (check my myspace.) And i sat here in my room for about 4 hours just completely absorbed in everything Jeff. And not to sound weird but this was the biggest "obsession session" i think i've ever had. So about 5 minutes ago, i go onto his official website and clink on a link that said "birthday celebrations".
Turns out that last night was his birthday. He would be 41 today.
And i've been sitting here just kind of taking everything in. Now i admit i am a bit superstitious and believe in this whole karma universal power thing, but how weird is it that the biggest JB obession session that i've ever had in my life was last night, on his birthday??
I don't know, leave it to me to over-analyze this thing. But i think it's too much of a coincidence.
Happy Birthday Jeff. Wherever you are.
Until next time
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
senior munch
was freaking awesome. i looked like an authentic hippie man. and i kinda wish i had done the hypnotism thing now. it was HILARIOUS. anyways, they're making me go back to 4th which is fucking ridiculous cause i only have to stay for an hour and then come back home. pshh whatever. i'll post some new pics up later, if i have the chance.
Song of the day: Strawberry Fields- Jim Sturgess
Until next time
Song of the day: Strawberry Fields- Jim Sturgess
Until next time
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
show me show me show me

i went to disneyland. it was amazing.
this week:
i'm not so stressed about college apps anymore.
senior munch is tomorrow. dressing up as a hippie!!
and i really think someone, well two people, should dress up as gonorrhea and klamidya (sp?). however the hell you dress up like that.
and i've had this blogger thing officially for a year now. it's amazing to look back on my halloween post from last year and compare it to this one..... things have definitely changed. but definitely changed for the better.
Song of the day: Somebody to love- Queen
Until next time

Saturday, October 20, 2007
milwaukee (sp?)
last night was fun.
i was the designated driver at happy hour at el torito. drunk mom + drunk aunt+ two other drunk women= how did i get myself into this situation. haha.
oh i and saw felipe......
then i picked lauren up and we went to kelso's party. we only stayed for 5 minutes and after we went around on the town. well actually, it was around 2 sq. miles of foothill over and over. haha. "i guess we both saw our ex boyfriends tonight!" ehhhhhehehe. but it was still fun. now i'm starving and about to start my college apps. fuckin tight yo.
Song of the day: Rocket Man- Elton John
Until next time
i was the designated driver at happy hour at el torito. drunk mom + drunk aunt+ two other drunk women= how did i get myself into this situation. haha.
oh i and saw felipe......
then i picked lauren up and we went to kelso's party. we only stayed for 5 minutes and after we went around on the town. well actually, it was around 2 sq. miles of foothill over and over. haha. "i guess we both saw our ex boyfriends tonight!" ehhhhhehehe. but it was still fun. now i'm starving and about to start my college apps. fuckin tight yo.
Song of the day: Rocket Man- Elton John
Until next time
Thursday, October 18, 2007
i called it
did i not? haha told youuuu.
i've notice that i always speak to a proverbial you in my entries, which doesn't make sense because it's not like anyone ever reads this thing. except casey every once in a while....only because i tell her to. haha.
this is sad.
this weekend should be alright. definitely looking forward to d-land next weekend. and smallville's on tonight. so apart from some things that should be #1 on my top priorities list (which they are not) life's pretty good right now.
Song of the day: For What it's Worth- Buffalo Springfield
Until next time
i've notice that i always speak to a proverbial you in my entries, which doesn't make sense because it's not like anyone ever reads this thing. except casey every once in a while....only because i tell her to. haha.
this is sad.
this weekend should be alright. definitely looking forward to d-land next weekend. and smallville's on tonight. so apart from some things that should be #1 on my top priorities list (which they are not) life's pretty good right now.
Song of the day: For What it's Worth- Buffalo Springfield
Until next time
Sunday, October 14, 2007
six times rehearsed
this weekend pretty much sucked.
don't you love it when people don't call you back?
me neither.
Song of the day: To Sheila- Northern
Until next time
don't you love it when people don't call you back?
me neither.
Song of the day: To Sheila- Northern
Until next time
Thursday, October 11, 2007
stop, tell me what's that sound?
except that i have to pay like 58 checks tomorrow at the student store. and i've been waiting for this episode of smallville for about 4 months nowwww.
i think i'm gonna be a hippie for senior munch.
i've been cursing a lot lately. it makes me feel good for some reason :/
oh and um i'd like to congradulate all those people who become a myspace statistic. really. you just deserve a round of applause.
Song of the day: He Got Game- Public Enemy
Until next time
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Monday, October 01, 2007
a river flows through here
Welllll this week is gonna SUCK. i hate it when there's nothing to look forward to during the week, with the exception of the weekend. i mean, the only thing i guess would be smallville on thursday, but even that one's gonna be boring.
Song of the Day: Sober- Kelly Clarkson
college apps are my biggest worry right now. there's so much shit to do, it's not even funny. plus the crapload of presentations i have to work on. fuuuuuuuuuuck.
so there's this thing. this thing that has been bothering me for almost a year now. and i am happy to say that it is completely out of my mind. i don't even waste my fucking time on it anymore. karma's a bitch. and i'll leave it up to her.
well that's all for today. on a departing note, i'll say this. i have a new obsession with River Phoenix.
Until next time
Thursday, September 27, 2007
dizzy dizzy
it's a 3 day weekend!!! thank god.
it's gonna be very very busy though, with homework and fun in equal proportion.
but i'm taking today off. i always do. i mean, the first day of the weekend. it's good, i recommend it.
i've been thinking about it lately and this year has gone by so incredibly fast. i mean, it's almost 2008. i remember new years 07 as if it were yesterday. i look back on the things that happened around this time of year and it seems like it's been way shorter than that. haha it's funny to think that december is coming up.
December. The month where it all started to go downhill.....
......DON'T YOU LOVE TACO BELL? i think we should all go there to eat after school. it would certainly allow for some fun times.
Song of the day: 1,2,3,4- Feist
Until next time
it's gonna be very very busy though, with homework and fun in equal proportion.
but i'm taking today off. i always do. i mean, the first day of the weekend. it's good, i recommend it.
i've been thinking about it lately and this year has gone by so incredibly fast. i mean, it's almost 2008. i remember new years 07 as if it were yesterday. i look back on the things that happened around this time of year and it seems like it's been way shorter than that. haha it's funny to think that december is coming up.
December. The month where it all started to go downhill.....
......DON'T YOU LOVE TACO BELL? i think we should all go there to eat after school. it would certainly allow for some fun times.
Song of the day: 1,2,3,4- Feist
Until next time
Saturday, September 22, 2007
across the universe
for the most part, was amazing. go watch it.
p.s. i love the weather right now.
Song of the day: Across the universe soundtrack
Until next time
Sunday, September 16, 2007
it occurred to me
this has been the best weekend in a looooong time for me. i finally finally finally got my license on friday, after doing well on ALL my tests, i have no homework, and lauren and i are going out today. thank the lord.
ge' some, ge' some!!!
and this is the most beautiful morning i've seen in california. pretty much.
Song of the day: The First Time- U2
Until next time
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
.... school this year is surprisingly less stressful than i thought it would be. all my classes are pretty chill. even english which i thought was gonna kill me. so i'm pretty excited about that.
THE MILLION DOLLAR HOTEL. i wouldn't recommend it, only because i'm sure i'm the only person in the world who likes this movie haha. but take a chance if you want to.
yesterday i went to jack in the box and saw 7 people from foothill. so that was nice and awkward!
i don't know, pretty lame entry. i'm just writing for the hell of it. oh, i changed my myspace a little. i had that layout for quite some time and i realized that when i made it, i did it in a way so that people would think i was "cool". haha TOTALLY lame i know. and lately i really don't care what other people think, and i've just been doing my thing. and that's totally liberating.
yeah that's all for now.
and by the way, i CAN'T get this movie out of my head.
Song of the Day: Last Request- Paolo Nutini
Until next time
Saturday, September 08, 2007
the football game against tustin was last night.
40-26 baby!! hellz yeah revenge is sweeeeet. i saw chris last night for the first time in a month!!! and he, casey and i hung out for the first time since that glorious incident before i left for costa rica.
so i spent the night at casey's and we watched return to the blue lagoon this morning. hahaaa that movie is so funny.
and oh my gosh, i saw mr. holland last night. good lord. :D that's all i gotta say.
anyways, i just got back and now i'm off to read 1984 for four hours !!!! i gotta finish it by tomorrow. plus all the other homework that i have......ughhh
Song of the day: Somebody to love- Queen
Until next time
40-26 baby!! hellz yeah revenge is sweeeeet. i saw chris last night for the first time in a month!!! and he, casey and i hung out for the first time since that glorious incident before i left for costa rica.
so i spent the night at casey's and we watched return to the blue lagoon this morning. hahaaa that movie is so funny.
and oh my gosh, i saw mr. holland last night. good lord. :D that's all i gotta say.
anyways, i just got back and now i'm off to read 1984 for four hours !!!! i gotta finish it by tomorrow. plus all the other homework that i have......ughhh
Song of the day: Somebody to love- Queen
Until next time
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
in case you didn't know. i got back a week ago.
overall, costa rica this year was the best one of my life. and i honestly did not want to come back. in fact, if i had the chance i'd stay as long as i could.
but the fact of the matter is, my entire life is here. and unfortunately i have to wait another year until i can go back.
so this past week, i have been...... SO upset, and i don't even know why. i mean i know it's partly because of what happened to my mom, but i don't know where this other part of depression is coming from. and i didn't think i'd say this, but i really want this year to just be over.
we're talking about senior year here, i mean, what am i thinking?! i must be crazy.
school starts tomorrow...... don't even get me started on that. no words are necessary.
Until next time
overall, costa rica this year was the best one of my life. and i honestly did not want to come back. in fact, if i had the chance i'd stay as long as i could.
but the fact of the matter is, my entire life is here. and unfortunately i have to wait another year until i can go back.
so this past week, i have been...... SO upset, and i don't even know why. i mean i know it's partly because of what happened to my mom, but i don't know where this other part of depression is coming from. and i didn't think i'd say this, but i really want this year to just be over.
we're talking about senior year here, i mean, what am i thinking?! i must be crazy.
school starts tomorrow...... don't even get me started on that. no words are necessary.
Until next time
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Costa Rica: Day 16
well, i spent the weekend with my crazy cousins. and i can honestly say, i have never laughed so hard in my life. it wasn't just like hysterical laughing for a few minutes. we're talking a good 45 minutes of non-stop laughter.....and i haven't laughed since. haha. did you ever see that episode of south park where cartman sees the buttface people and then loses his sense of humor because the sight was beyond hysterical?
no? well that's too bad.
palo seco got pushed back, YET AGAIN, so hopefully we leave tomorrow. which sucks because we're getting hit with part of the hurricane in the caribbean right now, so the entire place is flooded.
can't wait to go home, merely because of the fact that i am gonna have myself a gooood tiiiimmeee....just wait and see....
no song of the day for the first time in a million years
Until next time
no? well that's too bad.
palo seco got pushed back, YET AGAIN, so hopefully we leave tomorrow. which sucks because we're getting hit with part of the hurricane in the caribbean right now, so the entire place is flooded.
can't wait to go home, merely because of the fact that i am gonna have myself a gooood tiiiimmeee....just wait and see....
no song of the day for the first time in a million years
Until next time
Friday, August 17, 2007
Costa Rica: Day 14
mother's day was a blast. we went up to my aunt gloria's house that overlooks the whole city and i pretty much laughed my butt off the entire time with my three crazy cousins. around 7 though, my cousin, amanda, got a text message that said they were evacuating the entire coast because of a tsunami warning.
i didn't think much of it because i thought it was a joke, but the next day i turned on the tv and they had footage of people GOING CRAZY all along the coast. i mean, it was like, armageddon x 10.
thankully though, they cancelled the tsunami warning. so tonight amanda's picking me up and we're going back up to her house again. but first we're going out to a bar or something i think. it's called ¨¨ El Espaghetti¨¨ haha. and they don't check ID's which is good because last time i asked for a smirnoff and they didn't give it to me.
anyways, sunday we leave for palo seco to visit my grandpa. we're staying for like 4 days. and i get to see minor cause he's staying there right now.....whoopee........ hahah. that should be interesting.
Song of the day: Dimelo- Enrique Iglesias
Until next time
i didn't think much of it because i thought it was a joke, but the next day i turned on the tv and they had footage of people GOING CRAZY all along the coast. i mean, it was like, armageddon x 10.
thankully though, they cancelled the tsunami warning. so tonight amanda's picking me up and we're going back up to her house again. but first we're going out to a bar or something i think. it's called ¨¨ El Espaghetti¨¨ haha. and they don't check ID's which is good because last time i asked for a smirnoff and they didn't give it to me.
anyways, sunday we leave for palo seco to visit my grandpa. we're staying for like 4 days. and i get to see minor cause he's staying there right now.....whoopee........ hahah. that should be interesting.
Song of the day: Dimelo- Enrique Iglesias
Until next time
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Costa Rica: Day 11
ahem. well. a lot has happened in the past week. let me fill you in!
7 days ago we left for Arenal Volcano. It rained REALLY REALLY hard the entire way there, which is like a 3 hour drive. and then when we were driving up the mountain to get to the hotel, it stopped all of a sudden. and when we finally parked, i saw the most beautiful sunset i've ever seen in my life. and that the place we stayed was the prettiest place i have ever seen in my life. let me try and describe it:
the hotel is on a mountain top, it's right in front of the volcano and the lagoon. so if you're looking north, the volcano is northeast and the lagoon is northwest. and the coolest thing is, the volcano is constantly active. you can kinda see the lava coming down during the day, but at night you see it better because it's dark. and our hotel room happened to be facing the volcano so i fell asleep watching the red hot lava coming down the mountain.
then the next day i did the canopy tour....honestly, the best experience of my life. and the pain afterwards was definitely worth it. so the tour was three hours long. the first 20 minutes you ride horseback up the mountain, then you get to the stables, get geared up and it's a 15 minute hike to the first platform. then they connect you to the zipline, and off you go.
it's hard to describe but you really do feel like a bird.... with a harness strapped around your crotch haha. so it's 9 different platforms, the longest one is a quarter of a mile long, and the fastest one goes atleast 45 miles per hour. and you can see allll the animals and the entire forest when you zip by. definitely not the last time i'm doing that.
we left the day after and the following day, friday, i went to moritz's house and stayed for the weekend. it was fun for the most part. we went to this bar and played pool for a while with moritz, silvia, johnathan, christian, and el júpon. haha goood times.
and i got back home yesterday and sat around all of today for some much needed rest. it's mother's day tomorrow here in costa so we're all going up to my aunt gloria's house and celebrating it there. she has the coolest house with the sickest view of all of san jose. i want to spend the night, we'll see. then sunday i'm leaving for palo seco to go see my grandpa and spend a few days at the beach house. so far, this has been THE BEST costa rica vacation i've had. even better than last year...haha (sarcasm)GO FIGURE!! (/sarcasm)
but of course, i'm counting the days till i get back. as much fun as this is, i miss my toad and my misster haha. a beach day is definitely required when i get back. anywho, i'm off to watch some tv.
Song of the day: Waiting in Vain- Bob Marley
Until next time,
7 days ago we left for Arenal Volcano. It rained REALLY REALLY hard the entire way there, which is like a 3 hour drive. and then when we were driving up the mountain to get to the hotel, it stopped all of a sudden. and when we finally parked, i saw the most beautiful sunset i've ever seen in my life. and that the place we stayed was the prettiest place i have ever seen in my life. let me try and describe it:
the hotel is on a mountain top, it's right in front of the volcano and the lagoon. so if you're looking north, the volcano is northeast and the lagoon is northwest. and the coolest thing is, the volcano is constantly active. you can kinda see the lava coming down during the day, but at night you see it better because it's dark. and our hotel room happened to be facing the volcano so i fell asleep watching the red hot lava coming down the mountain.
then the next day i did the canopy tour....honestly, the best experience of my life. and the pain afterwards was definitely worth it. so the tour was three hours long. the first 20 minutes you ride horseback up the mountain, then you get to the stables, get geared up and it's a 15 minute hike to the first platform. then they connect you to the zipline, and off you go.
it's hard to describe but you really do feel like a bird.... with a harness strapped around your crotch haha. so it's 9 different platforms, the longest one is a quarter of a mile long, and the fastest one goes atleast 45 miles per hour. and you can see allll the animals and the entire forest when you zip by. definitely not the last time i'm doing that.
we left the day after and the following day, friday, i went to moritz's house and stayed for the weekend. it was fun for the most part. we went to this bar and played pool for a while with moritz, silvia, johnathan, christian, and el júpon. haha goood times.
and i got back home yesterday and sat around all of today for some much needed rest. it's mother's day tomorrow here in costa so we're all going up to my aunt gloria's house and celebrating it there. she has the coolest house with the sickest view of all of san jose. i want to spend the night, we'll see. then sunday i'm leaving for palo seco to go see my grandpa and spend a few days at the beach house. so far, this has been THE BEST costa rica vacation i've had. even better than last year...haha (sarcasm)GO FIGURE!! (/sarcasm)
but of course, i'm counting the days till i get back. as much fun as this is, i miss my toad and my misster haha. a beach day is definitely required when i get back. anywho, i'm off to watch some tv.
Song of the day: Waiting in Vain- Bob Marley
Until next time,
Monday, August 06, 2007
Costa Rica: Day 4
We're leaving tomorrow for a week and i don't know if i'll have time, or access, to write, so i figured i'd do it right now.
We're staying at Volcan Arenal tomorrow, maybe do some horseback riding and canopy tour, and then we have to take the ferry of death to Montezuma and we're staying at the Dolphin Hotel. after that, it's off to my grandpa's beach house for a few days and then it's back here to Pavas.
As exciting as this sounds, drama just seems to follow me wherever i go. and WE ALL KNOW which one i'm talking about. so for the fucking federal case that awaits me when i get home, i plead the 5th. in case you don't know what that means, i had nothing to do with it.
Song of the Day: Eternal Life- Jeff Buckley
Until next time
We're staying at Volcan Arenal tomorrow, maybe do some horseback riding and canopy tour, and then we have to take the ferry of death to Montezuma and we're staying at the Dolphin Hotel. after that, it's off to my grandpa's beach house for a few days and then it's back here to Pavas.
As exciting as this sounds, drama just seems to follow me wherever i go. and WE ALL KNOW which one i'm talking about. so for the fucking federal case that awaits me when i get home, i plead the 5th. in case you don't know what that means, i had nothing to do with it.
Song of the Day: Eternal Life- Jeff Buckley
Until next time
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Costa Rica: Day 1
well, technically it´s day 2, but whatever. gosh, where to begin?
well let´s start with yesterday. we flew out of john wayne, landed in dallas, then flew from dallas to san jose. i gotta say, i´ve never been as scared to fly as i was yesterday. i think i had a mini panic attack. i don´t know why, but for some reason i was convinced that the plane was going to crash. i just knew it. but thank god i was wrong.
we finally got to san jose and i was greeted by that familiar scent. it just smells like costa rica. i can´t describe it, it´s something you have to smell for yourself. haha. customs were a bitch so we didn´t get out of the airport till an hour after we landed.
my grandparents, aunt and uncle picked us up and it was off to my grandparents´ house. i went to sleep at about 2 a.m. and thought there was a burglar in the house. i flipped my shit.
anyways, woke up today, had breakfast, took a shower, and went to my aunt alicia´s house. it freaking poured today, as it always does, and i was sooo excited to finally see some rain. i hung out with silvia and moritz and some of his friends came over and we played poker with our good friend smirnoff haaaaa.
and that´s pretty much it. i´m SO GLAD to be back with my family, but i miss home a lot, especially chris and casey. and andrew of course. sorry this entry wasn´t too exciting, but we´re just kinda getting settled in right now. the next few entries will be better, i promise.
Song of the day: Into the fire- Thirteen Senses
Until next time
well let´s start with yesterday. we flew out of john wayne, landed in dallas, then flew from dallas to san jose. i gotta say, i´ve never been as scared to fly as i was yesterday. i think i had a mini panic attack. i don´t know why, but for some reason i was convinced that the plane was going to crash. i just knew it. but thank god i was wrong.
we finally got to san jose and i was greeted by that familiar scent. it just smells like costa rica. i can´t describe it, it´s something you have to smell for yourself. haha. customs were a bitch so we didn´t get out of the airport till an hour after we landed.
my grandparents, aunt and uncle picked us up and it was off to my grandparents´ house. i went to sleep at about 2 a.m. and thought there was a burglar in the house. i flipped my shit.
anyways, woke up today, had breakfast, took a shower, and went to my aunt alicia´s house. it freaking poured today, as it always does, and i was sooo excited to finally see some rain. i hung out with silvia and moritz and some of his friends came over and we played poker with our good friend smirnoff haaaaa.
and that´s pretty much it. i´m SO GLAD to be back with my family, but i miss home a lot, especially chris and casey. and andrew of course. sorry this entry wasn´t too exciting, but we´re just kinda getting settled in right now. the next few entries will be better, i promise.
Song of the day: Into the fire- Thirteen Senses
Until next time
Thursday, August 02, 2007
when i was 17
god, i haven't been this drained in A LONG TIME. today, was seriously the best day of the whole summer. this is exactly what i had hoped for when school got out.

so i must say of course that it was toad's birthday today. (AW) haha. and she invited chris and i to go to her friends beach house....yeah....
pretty much? THE MOST AMAZING HOUSE I'VE EVER SEEN. it's even better than jill's! haha. well i guess ocean front property always is. the house is right on a cliff, and it's huge. plus, it has the best hot tub i've ever been in. so casey randomly called around noon and told us to come over. we got there at like, 2 i think, and it was straight in the water.
we pretty much stayed at the beach until the sun went down. and can i just say there are some hotty hots in laguna? haha. anyways, i, amazingly got in for a while. the water was pretty warm. and a seal almost ate chris and casey. HA. i got sunburnt like no other though. and i'm dead from climbing all those stairs.
anywho, we climbed in the jacuzzi for a while after. UUHHHHUHUH. it was sooooo good. highlight of the day for me. after we got out we crashed on the sofas and started to watch never been kissed but we couldn't finish.
all in all, today was awesome. and i'm glad because it's one of the last times we'll be together for awhile. why's that?
WELL. i'm leaving for costa on friday for a month pretty much. and chris might be too busy with school to hang out. gosh, it's so weird to think i won't see chris everyday at school. i was thinking about that the other day, and i was like, wait. chris doesn't go to foothill anymore! but i still have casey so.....i guess that'll do. HAHAAA
so yeah, needless to say, i'm gonna miss my toad and my misster A LOT. what am i gonna do without them? what are they gonna do without ME? hahaha.
so tomorrow i have to pack in the morning so that i can go to casey's dinner tomorrow night. it should be fun. i have to get home pretty early though because i have to get up like at 5 the next day. we have to be at the airport at 8 a.m.
and then after tomorrow that's it. i'm leaving my two best friends and california behind for 24 days. i'm getting sad just thinking about it.
speaking of being sad, we have to drop andrew off tomorrow. he's staying at our friend's house while we're gone. haha YEAH. that's gonna be a sob-a-thon, i'll tell you that right now. my poor andrew. he knows though. every year during this time he senses that we'll be gone for a while. ;lkaj;dlsfkjad. i am going to cry so hard tomorrow.
that about concludes this entry. i don't think i'll have time to write tomorrow. so the next time i write i'll probably be at my grandparent's house in costa rica.
i'll try to update as much as i can and post some pictures too.
this is my biggest fear of all time. if, god forbid, something happens to the plane and i never make it back, i love you all, haha. and if not, then i'll see you in a month.
Song of the Day: It was a very good year- Frank Sinatra
Until next time
Saturday, July 28, 2007
heat wave
i have never been so bored more than i have this past week. nobody's called me or returned my calls in about....5 days?
and someone, of course, bailed when we were supposed to hang out after not seeing each other for a month. screw that. i was PISSED.
once again, more things to add to the list of why i want to leave SO BADLY.
only six more days left.
Until next time
and someone, of course, bailed when we were supposed to hang out after not seeing each other for a month. screw that. i was PISSED.
once again, more things to add to the list of why i want to leave SO BADLY.
only six more days left.
Until next time
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
i saw harry potter again last night. it was better the second time around. "the district"...... it's too early for any judgement but, it's cool i guess. the theaters are REALLY nice.
anyways just got back from my LAST BEHIND THE WHEEEEEEL. thank god. and i changed my instructor. her name is sue. she's craaaazy but she's super super nice. i liked her. way better than that nazi instructor i got last time.
for some reason lately i've been feeling really depressed. it seems like nothing can cheer me up, even hanging out with my friends, which is my favorite thing. i have NO IDEA why though. maybe i need some excitement in my life. i mean, i think the best thing i can do to get rid of this melancholy is to do something completely spontaneous and unlike sarynelli. we'll see.
16 DAYS LEFT. thank goddddd. i am so excited. and maybe leaving for a while is just what i need.
Song of the Day: Oil and Water- Incubus
Until next time
anyways just got back from my LAST BEHIND THE WHEEEEEEL. thank god. and i changed my instructor. her name is sue. she's craaaazy but she's super super nice. i liked her. way better than that nazi instructor i got last time.
for some reason lately i've been feeling really depressed. it seems like nothing can cheer me up, even hanging out with my friends, which is my favorite thing. i have NO IDEA why though. maybe i need some excitement in my life. i mean, i think the best thing i can do to get rid of this melancholy is to do something completely spontaneous and unlike sarynelli. we'll see.
16 DAYS LEFT. thank goddddd. i am so excited. and maybe leaving for a while is just what i need.
Song of the Day: Oil and Water- Incubus
Until next time
Monday, July 16, 2007
i woke up a few minutes ago. it's gotten to that point in summer where it takes me two hours to fall asleep and i wake up late in the afternoon. gotta say, that i really don't like it for some reason.
i've decided that i'm pretty good at updating this thing. i actually surprised myself. i'm just glad that i actually kept this thing and didn't just write one or two entries and then forget about it.
it's too early to pick a song of the day
Until next time
i've decided that i'm pretty good at updating this thing. i actually surprised myself. i'm just glad that i actually kept this thing and didn't just write one or two entries and then forget about it.
it's too early to pick a song of the day
Until next time
over it
random thoughts, July 15th, 2007:
just got back from casey's. we watched, (well i did anyway) science of sleep. i understand it more and more everytime i see it. fun times at casey's today.
she and chris went to the grunion run. i wanted to go so bad! but of course, i have curfew at freakin 10:30 tonight. i'm running out of rubber bands. my mom didn't get me any today.
after 5 whole days, my ipod broke. i swear i must be bad luck or something. so i went back and exchanged it for a new one yesterday. this marks my fourth ipod. i hope to god this one will last. so far so good.
i'm starting to think more and more that the santa ana/tustin area is turning gangsta. yesterday, i saw a HARDCORE cholo fight on 17th and tustin. it was brutal. and at this very moment 5, yes 5 cop cars are parked outside my house and questioning my neighbors from across the street.
i'm starting to think more and more that the santa ana/tustin area is turning gangsta. yesterday, i saw a HARDCORE cholo fight on 17th and tustin. it was brutal. and at this very moment 5, yes 5 cop cars are parked outside my house and questioning my neighbors from across the street.
my obsession for daniel radcliffe has come back. it went away about the 7th grade and now it's back for revenge. i mean......
........... well, look at that.
Song of the Day: Bad Dream- Keane
Until next time
Sunday, July 08, 2007
rubber bands and fireworks
quite a lot to write about today. let's see if i can remember everything that's happened in the last week and a half.

1) So last Friday, i went to the ortho, for what i thought was going to be a regular brace- tightening thing. OH NO. the lady was like, "so we're giving you rubber bands today." and i was like, "Oh shat". So she put them on, and i was like, okay this is weird. They were fine for the first few hours. But i'd say, after....5 hours? That's when i wanted to die. I'm not gonna even attempt to describe how my teeth felt. Cause i can't put it down into words. Anywho, i went to mimi's that night with my parents and who should call, but Casey Pahl? haha hey that rhymes. She invited me to go sleep over at her house and Lauren was spending the night too.
Around midnight we, of course, went on a Wallgreens run and took THE FUNNIEST pictures known to man. i think that's our signature....thing- going to Wallgreens in the middle of the night. fun times, fun times. When we came back we watched Casino Royale. don't remember much of it because i slept through most of it.
The next day, Casey, Lauren, and I went to the beach, where we met up with Lauren's boyfriend and his two friends. Might i add, this was THE HOTTEST DAY ever in my opinion, and as a result got the first sunburn of my life, on my face no less, which then started to peel. It wasn't very pretty. Anywho, those two days were pretty fun.
2) Fourth of July- best one i ever had! It was
soooo much fun. Chris invited me to go with him and his dad to the queen mary to watch the fireworks. But first, we went looking for open filipino restaurants for take-out, but of course none of them were open. So we ended up going to KFC (awww yeah) and took that to see the fireworks. And for some reason, this was THE best KFC i've ever had. the fireworks show was amazing. friggin 20 minutes long!
Oh, and i want to add, without sounding weird or cheesy, that that night was the most gorgeous night of the entire summer. It was pretty hot during the day, so at night, the temperature was JUST right. The sun was setting while we were driving through downtown long beach (which is
the prettiest downtown in the world, in my opinion) and when we finally got to the boat the clouds were in all different shapes and patterns and the sky was orangey-pink. And when the sun finally set, the entire bay was illuminated by the cool lights they put on the bridge and the KICK ASS street lights by the queen mary. I don't know, it was just like, straight out of a movie. It's times like those where i'm really sad i don't have anyone special to share it with..... all i had that night was chris....psh.... hahaha yost keeding.
3) Yesterday we went to Sam's to get some groceries and stuff. And wherever they sell iPods, i casually just tell my parents " oh hey, look they sell iPods over there" just to see what they say. and this time, my mom said " oh ok, we'll get you one" and i was like WHAT?! after six months of asking and asking, they finally bought it for me. And i have to say i haven't been this happy in a long time ( because of and iPod, i know it's sad). But i love ittttttt. It's all new and unscratched, and of course, i already filled it up with smallville videos hehe. But honestly it was about time.
4) and today i went to barnes & noble to get my summer reading books (blech) but i also got the last harry potter book which i have yet to read. i really forgot how much i love reading those books, i just can't put it down!
so yeah, that just pretty much sums up my week. i just had a bowl of cereal and i'm listening to "You're Beautiful"...... that is getting SO OLD. anywho, i want to hang out with the friends tomorrow cause chris leaves on tuesday. SUPER EXCITED for harry potter next week, and possibly the beach house or mammoth? we'll see. and i cannot wait for costa rica. you don't even know.
here's to an awesome summer (and it has been so far) :)
Song of the Day: When did you heart get lost- Rooney
Until next time
Thursday, June 28, 2007
from a.m. to p.m
yesterday was super funnnnn.
anywho, we parked at the twin dolphins, and can i just say, that parking METERS suck. i hate them with a passion. we all rumaged around in our bags and managed to get almost two hours worth. so then, we finally picked a spot and chris and i got in while casey sunbathed for awhile. i only went in for like 5 minutes.
we were all starving so we came back home and stopped at taco bell, of course. somehow, i always end up eating that after i go to the beach. we went to chris's after and watched lords of dogtown. god i love that movie.
there these two guys in front of us.....funniest thing of my life. one guy was like, "dude i'll pay you 20 bucks if you throw your cell phone at the screen. i wanna see a friggin hole in the screen though" and the other guy actually did it!! hahah. i didn't think we would. oh my gosh i was laughing so hard. too bad it was a projection screen, so the cell phone just tapped it and fell like 20 feet.
no, it was great. extremely great. christopher picked me up at 11:45 and then we went to go pick up case for the beach. i broke in my new cowboy hat that i got at target. we stopped quickly at starbucks and casey and i got iced white chocolate mochas (YUM). then it was off to the beach.
this is a by the way, but i gotta say, the radio surprisingly did not play a song i didn't like, and it was a perfect soundtrack to our first beach day of the summer. you know when songs remind you of a certain time or something? or a memory in particular? everytime i hear those songs i'll always be reminded of this day.
my incident at CDM has scarred me for life. i'm dead serious. my fear of the ocean increased SO MUCH after that. i really can't get past waistline in the ocean. i wish i could. but, hey what can you do. so, i came back and casey and i got a tan. then we realized our time was almost up at the parking meter and we literally spent like 20 minutes asking people for change....well chris and casey did haha.
we put in about an hour more and chris and casey went in the water while i watched :)
finally it was time to go, and when we were on the road, some guy kept yelling at us that the back door (mine) was open. i thought he was a psycho but, looking back at it he was pretty funny.

oh and the seating arrangement for the movie was a pretty funny sight. chris and i were fine until casey showed up and friggin sat in between us and then it was CRAMPED. but we all fit in snuggly. that couch is perfect for three.
anywho, we didn't get to finish dogtown because guess what was playing at century at 8:50??!! 1408!!! which was.....okay i guess. haha i spent THE ENTIRE movie with my hands over my ears. OH OH

then there was this guy driving in front of us on the way home, who i think was drunk. that was pretty scary. it went from like, "haha wow, stay in your lane dude...." to " OMG HE'S GONNA CRASH INTO US!!!" i didn't really feel like staying at casey's cause it was my mom's bday today so we stopped at del and then casey and chris dropped me off.
.....and that was it!
haha i pretty much spent 12 hours with them yesterday. AWW. so, all in all, as you can see, yesterday was sooo much fun. nothing went wrong.
and so, i just got back from my mom's surprise lunch at mimi's. i'm stuffed. and i just realized this is a really long entry......but i like it when they're long........the entries i mean.
Song of the day: Twister- Remy Zero
Until next time
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Stage 3
i'm in stage 3 of my cold right now, which is getting rid of all the flem and mucus and crap haha. it's pretty much just leaving my body right now so that's good. not much to update on today. just writing to write. i hope i'm better by tomorrow
Song of the day: In my life- Mark Hildreth
Until next time
Song of the day: In my life- Mark Hildreth
Until next time
Thursday, June 21, 2007
scratch that
as of yesterday life was pretty good. today it SUCKS.
i have the worst cold of my life. i had the worst headache and felt faint about 2 hours ago. i seriously wanted to die. god, this always happens to me when summer starts. must be the seasonal change or something. ugh. hopefully i'll be better tomorrow for movie night though....if i'm still allowed to go. psh. haha.
screw song of the day.
Until next time
i have the worst cold of my life. i had the worst headache and felt faint about 2 hours ago. i seriously wanted to die. god, this always happens to me when summer starts. must be the seasonal change or something. ugh. hopefully i'll be better tomorrow for movie night though....if i'm still allowed to go. psh. haha.
screw song of the day.
Until next time
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
god of warrr
jeeeeze casey is such a control hog!!! i'm at casey's.....watching her play god of war. i guess she's getting back at me for playing guitar hero for half an hour. anyways, today i think i'm going to the beach with the aunt and cousins. we're taking pictures! that should be fun.
and also i think i'm going to the beach this weekend with casey and chris (??) hopefully. we'll see. life is pretty good right now.
Song of the day: Free Bird- Lynrd Skynrd
Until next time
and also i think i'm going to the beach this weekend with casey and chris (??) hopefully. we'll see. life is pretty good right now.
Song of the day: Free Bird- Lynrd Skynrd
Until next time
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
pita chipssss
tonight shall be grand.
oh, my two cousins whom i have never met before are staying with us for a few days and can i just say, I LOVE THEM TO DEATH. They're 6 and 4. We call them Pongo and Chichi. adorable right??!!! haha. i hope chris can come over to watch smallville this week :(
Song of the Day: Better Days Will Come- Tahiti 80
Until next time,
oh, my two cousins whom i have never met before are staying with us for a few days and can i just say, I LOVE THEM TO DEATH. They're 6 and 4. We call them Pongo and Chichi. adorable right??!!! haha. i hope chris can come over to watch smallville this week :(
Song of the Day: Better Days Will Come- Tahiti 80
Until next time,
Sunday, June 17, 2007
free at last, free at last
thank god almighty, i am free at last.
school let out on thursday and i am SO relieved, you don't even know. 9 months of stupid teachers, ridiculous tests, SAT's, and retarded people are finally over. it doesn't even feel like summer, but it's so amazing to finally enjoy the weekend without dreading sunday to do all my homework. for the first time in a long time, i'm actually free of any stress, for the most part.
well let's see, on the last day of school i went to ruby's with lauren and saw ben there. oh, ben. hahah. and i was supposed to go to jill's that night for the biggest techno rave ever but i went over to casey's instead and i'm so glad i did. it was just me, her, and chris and it felt like old times again. we saw interview with a vampire and made rootbeer floats. haha to anyone who wasn't part of our group, they would've said it was lame compared to jill's party, but the time that i'm happiest is when i'm with those two.
we just made fun of the movie, made fun of each other, and flopped around on the couch for half an hour later. and honestly, i haven't had that much fun in a long time. chris said it perfectly: " i hope this just sets the tone for the rest of the summer". GOD i hope it does. I have a feeling this summer is going to be the best one. no more drama bullshit from anyone. it'll just be the three of us without a care in the world, having a good time. and plus, this HAS to be the best summer because chris is going off to college in august so we have to make the best of it. and let's just say that ties with a certain person have been officially broken off and buried. so i have a good feeling that chris's premonition will come true.
in other news, i had my behind the wheel yesterday. good god. pretty much, worst experience of my life. i fucking hate that woman. she made me cry. she started yelling at me because i didn't stop 15 seconds at a stop sign. i seriously wanted to kick her out on the freeway. FUCK HER. i hope she dies. that's how much i hate her. and i just felt like shit for the rest of the day.
but today is father's day!! and we're going to the cheesecake factory! wooo. ok i should go get ready. but here is my wish that this will be the best summer of my life......
Song of the Day: Break so easy- Jonathan Rice
Until next time
school let out on thursday and i am SO relieved, you don't even know. 9 months of stupid teachers, ridiculous tests, SAT's, and retarded people are finally over. it doesn't even feel like summer, but it's so amazing to finally enjoy the weekend without dreading sunday to do all my homework. for the first time in a long time, i'm actually free of any stress, for the most part.
well let's see, on the last day of school i went to ruby's with lauren and saw ben there. oh, ben. hahah. and i was supposed to go to jill's that night for the biggest techno rave ever but i went over to casey's instead and i'm so glad i did. it was just me, her, and chris and it felt like old times again. we saw interview with a vampire and made rootbeer floats. haha to anyone who wasn't part of our group, they would've said it was lame compared to jill's party, but the time that i'm happiest is when i'm with those two.
we just made fun of the movie, made fun of each other, and flopped around on the couch for half an hour later. and honestly, i haven't had that much fun in a long time. chris said it perfectly: " i hope this just sets the tone for the rest of the summer". GOD i hope it does. I have a feeling this summer is going to be the best one. no more drama bullshit from anyone. it'll just be the three of us without a care in the world, having a good time. and plus, this HAS to be the best summer because chris is going off to college in august so we have to make the best of it. and let's just say that ties with a certain person have been officially broken off and buried. so i have a good feeling that chris's premonition will come true.
in other news, i had my behind the wheel yesterday. good god. pretty much, worst experience of my life. i fucking hate that woman. she made me cry. she started yelling at me because i didn't stop 15 seconds at a stop sign. i seriously wanted to kick her out on the freeway. FUCK HER. i hope she dies. that's how much i hate her. and i just felt like shit for the rest of the day.
but today is father's day!! and we're going to the cheesecake factory! wooo. ok i should go get ready. but here is my wish that this will be the best summer of my life......
Song of the Day: Break so easy- Jonathan Rice
Until next time
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
the greatest
i deleted my last post simply for the mere fact that it didn't look too visually appealing. it felt good to have it up and get it off my chest though. REALLY GOOD.
my mood right now is.....indifferent. i don't care about anything. i don't mean this in a bad way, it's more like, i'm completely relaxed and don't have a care in the world, if that makes sense. which is funny because i've got the SAT on saturday, reflection video due on friday, and huge english project due next thursday.
this is mainly due to my huge obsession with this new song. PERFECT to drift asleep to....which is what i'll do now.
Song of the Day: The Greatest- Cat Power
Until next time,
p.s. i love you jeff, wherever you are.
my mood right now is.....indifferent. i don't care about anything. i don't mean this in a bad way, it's more like, i'm completely relaxed and don't have a care in the world, if that makes sense. which is funny because i've got the SAT on saturday, reflection video due on friday, and huge english project due next thursday.
this is mainly due to my huge obsession with this new song. PERFECT to drift asleep to....which is what i'll do now.
Song of the Day: The Greatest- Cat Power
Until next time,
p.s. i love you jeff, wherever you are.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
smallville season finale TONIGHT.
the one rule for smallville, well actually there are many, is that season finales have to be big. and this one's no exception.
you can bet your ass i'll be back tonight to tell you what i thought about it.
ok i just saw it.
and can i just say.....
LANA IS IN THE LAUNDRY TRUCK. hahahha. i know it sounds weird but, she's in there. now i have to wait 3 months to see if i'm right.
Song of the Day- Carry on my wayward son: Kansas
Until next time
please don't let lana die.
the one rule for smallville, well actually there are many, is that season finales have to be big. and this one's no exception.
you can bet your ass i'll be back tonight to tell you what i thought about it.
ok i just saw it.
and can i just say.....
LANA IS IN THE LAUNDRY TRUCK. hahahha. i know it sounds weird but, she's in there. now i have to wait 3 months to see if i'm right.
Song of the Day- Carry on my wayward son: Kansas
Until next time
please don't let lana die.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Casey i miss you!!!
gosh darn it.
why must i love my toad so? hahahaha
ew ok awkward? yes.
come home soon toad. i have like no homework tonight thank god. i've been playing guitar hero ever since i got home. i swear, i close my eyes and all i see is that conveyor belt thing with all the notes. and then everything looks warped when i take my eyes off the screen.
anywho, i had the best baby back ribs yesterday at my uncle's house. and the whole family got together so that was fun. umm.....pretty pointless entry no?
i just wanted to write something to be consistent haha.
Song of the Day: Love will tear us apart- Joy Division
Until next time,
why must i love my toad so? hahahaha
ew ok awkward? yes.
come home soon toad. i have like no homework tonight thank god. i've been playing guitar hero ever since i got home. i swear, i close my eyes and all i see is that conveyor belt thing with all the notes. and then everything looks warped when i take my eyes off the screen.
anywho, i had the best baby back ribs yesterday at my uncle's house. and the whole family got together so that was fun. umm.....pretty pointless entry no?
i just wanted to write something to be consistent haha.
Song of the Day: Love will tear us apart- Joy Division
Until next time,
Friday, May 11, 2007
i'm starving
god, life would be so much easier if i had my license. and if lauren had her car haha.
so the plan for tonight, HOPEFULLY, is go to chipotle and then to a cool coffee shop in laguna. and if time allows back to my place for the wedding singer. haha god i love that movie. Caseyface is leaving tomorrow!!! i'm so sad.
and jealous. grrr. but she we're doing something in the morning that's been getting postponed for the past 3 weeks so that'll be exciting. and then i'm having brunch with her and her familia before she leaves.
and can i just say that smallville is in deep. i mean DEEEEEP. the producers are digging themselves a shithole that they won't be able to come out of...mark my words. i think by the series finale i'll be the only person watching. i hate that show sometimes.
anyways, it's good to start updating again. i missed it haha. i enjoy typing nonsense everyday. it's liberating.
Song of the day: Wish you were here- Sparklehorse
Until next time,
so the plan for tonight, HOPEFULLY, is go to chipotle and then to a cool coffee shop in laguna. and if time allows back to my place for the wedding singer. haha god i love that movie. Caseyface is leaving tomorrow!!! i'm so sad.
and jealous. grrr. but she we're doing something in the morning that's been getting postponed for the past 3 weeks so that'll be exciting. and then i'm having brunch with her and her familia before she leaves.
and can i just say that smallville is in deep. i mean DEEEEEP. the producers are digging themselves a shithole that they won't be able to come out of...mark my words. i think by the series finale i'll be the only person watching. i hate that show sometimes.
anyways, it's good to start updating again. i missed it haha. i enjoy typing nonsense everyday. it's liberating.
Song of the day: Wish you were here- Sparklehorse
Until next time,
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
a wholllllllllllllllle month without updating??! what the hell's wrong with me?
LIFE. that's what. if i thought november/december where my most hectic months, then i must've been crazy. may and june are gonna be the worst of my life.
so this month i have to turn in a senior reflections video and a music video. the reflection video, according to Mcginness, is going to set the standard for videos till the end of time. she said this is history in the making and that i was gonna be part of the most important tradition foothill's ever had.........
i have 30 seconds of 10 minutes done.
no pressure or anything.
then the music video, which i have yet to shoot or even brainstorm, is due on monday. i'm not even sure if my actors ( the ones who i have yet to choose) will be able to make it. needless to say, i can't think of, shoot, and edit a music video all on sunday. SHAT.
then, the english essay/presentation.
casey is going to be gone for two weeks in england (lucky toad.......biotch) which doesn't hurt us, but could honestly be used as time to work on our freaking analyzation and presentation which is ten minutes long. i'm gonna work on it myself but it'd obviously be better if she were there to help me.
and of course, save the worst for last.
the motherfucker of all tests. the big momma. "one test to rule them all, one test to find them...."
haha ok it's not that ginormous, but still, it's pretty much going to decide if i go to college or not. which will decide if i ever get a job, which will then decide if ever get noticed enough to get married and have kids. pretty much, if i blow this thing, i will never be successful, get married, or have a happy life. holy shit, my happiness depends on this freaking test. again,
NO PRESSURE. (psh give........ me........ A BREAK)
i don't even know how to start studying for this week. i have sworn to study at least one hour each night.......opening my book might be a good start.
well looking at the bright side of things, it was my birthday last week. yup. i have been on this planet for 17 years. HOLY CRAP. honestly, i didn't want it to be my birthday. i feel so old, which sounds ridiculous but hey. now i understand what adults go through when they reach their midlife crisis. it's like, i don't know, you feel like you're just slowly decomposing hahaha. i mean, this is my last year as a child. Next year i'll be an "adult". it seems so surreal. if it were up to me, i would've stayed 16 for the rest of my life. that's like the perfect age. but i don't know. the whole subject just depresses me. alas, i will stop talking! :)
some equally good news, i will be gone for the ENTIRE month of July. HOORAH HOORAH!! i seriously can't wait to get away from all this california melodramatic shit. i just wanna go to costa where every day is like a freaking vacation and i'm with my cousins who are the best in the world and treat me like a baby, which i am in the group. but yeah, you have no idea (whoever you are) how badly i need to just get away and forget this place ever existed. even if it is for just a month.
going back to the bad news, my opinion of someone has been thrown in the fucking trash can. FUCK THAT. i was stupid for even trying. and also, this may sound really gross to some, but i have chorro. if you know what that means, then.....
Song of the day: Dig- Incubus
Until next time,
LIFE. that's what. if i thought november/december where my most hectic months, then i must've been crazy. may and june are gonna be the worst of my life.
so this month i have to turn in a senior reflections video and a music video. the reflection video, according to Mcginness, is going to set the standard for videos till the end of time. she said this is history in the making and that i was gonna be part of the most important tradition foothill's ever had.........
i have 30 seconds of 10 minutes done.
no pressure or anything.
then the music video, which i have yet to shoot or even brainstorm, is due on monday. i'm not even sure if my actors ( the ones who i have yet to choose) will be able to make it. needless to say, i can't think of, shoot, and edit a music video all on sunday. SHAT.
then, the english essay/presentation.
casey is going to be gone for two weeks in england (lucky toad.......biotch) which doesn't hurt us, but could honestly be used as time to work on our freaking analyzation and presentation which is ten minutes long. i'm gonna work on it myself but it'd obviously be better if she were there to help me.
and of course, save the worst for last.
the motherfucker of all tests. the big momma. "one test to rule them all, one test to find them...."
haha ok it's not that ginormous, but still, it's pretty much going to decide if i go to college or not. which will decide if i ever get a job, which will then decide if ever get noticed enough to get married and have kids. pretty much, if i blow this thing, i will never be successful, get married, or have a happy life. holy shit, my happiness depends on this freaking test. again,
NO PRESSURE. (psh give........ me........ A BREAK)
i don't even know how to start studying for this week. i have sworn to study at least one hour each night.......opening my book might be a good start.
well looking at the bright side of things, it was my birthday last week. yup. i have been on this planet for 17 years. HOLY CRAP. honestly, i didn't want it to be my birthday. i feel so old, which sounds ridiculous but hey. now i understand what adults go through when they reach their midlife crisis. it's like, i don't know, you feel like you're just slowly decomposing hahaha. i mean, this is my last year as a child. Next year i'll be an "adult". it seems so surreal. if it were up to me, i would've stayed 16 for the rest of my life. that's like the perfect age. but i don't know. the whole subject just depresses me. alas, i will stop talking! :)
some equally good news, i will be gone for the ENTIRE month of July. HOORAH HOORAH!! i seriously can't wait to get away from all this california melodramatic shit. i just wanna go to costa where every day is like a freaking vacation and i'm with my cousins who are the best in the world and treat me like a baby, which i am in the group. but yeah, you have no idea (whoever you are) how badly i need to just get away and forget this place ever existed. even if it is for just a month.
going back to the bad news, my opinion of someone has been thrown in the fucking trash can. FUCK THAT. i was stupid for even trying. and also, this may sound really gross to some, but i have chorro. if you know what that means, then.....
Song of the day: Dig- Incubus
Until next time,
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
just for the record
this spring break was the best spring break of my life. read em and weep:
- Hollywood
- Grand Canyon
- Solvang
oh yeah and i spent them with the hottest guy i have ever seen. that was a plus.
Until next time
Saturday, March 31, 2007
let's pretend
that i haven't neglected this thing for two whoooolllle weeks.
so, spring break baby!!! spring fuhreaking break. i haven't been this excited in SUCH a long time. not only because we get a week off from school but um, and old flame from costa rica is staying with us hahahaha. jesus, some sparks had better fly or something, because lord knows it's been waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long since i've been with a guy. i shall keep you updated.
Song of the Day: The Prayer- Bloc Party
Until next time,
so, spring break baby!!! spring fuhreaking break. i haven't been this excited in SUCH a long time. not only because we get a week off from school but um, and old flame from costa rica is staying with us hahahaha. jesus, some sparks had better fly or something, because lord knows it's been waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long since i've been with a guy. i shall keep you updated.
Song of the Day: The Prayer- Bloc Party
Until next time,
Thursday, March 15, 2007
seriously? seriously.
Song of the Day: Heavenly Day- Patty Griffin
Until next time,
Song of the Day: Heavenly Day- Patty Griffin
Until next time,
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
you know tustin is bustin....
....if you still haven't been in that new Walgreens but we all watched it being built, and we all wished they would have built a gas station there instead
if you drive through the hills a little faded, or drunk and you think you're driving way too fast, only to look down and you're only going 10 mph.if at one point or another you have been to lemon heights park, only to find out that cops are there every night at 10:30 on the dot.
if peters canyon isn't just a hiking, its a place to drinkif driving down to tustin high seems like a long ways, long enough to carpool
if you know at least 5 people that work at Chick's or have worked there
if you have ever thought that Trinity Church would make a kick ass water slide, or that you know there are always cops sitting in the parking lot
if you hate the fact that 17th street never seems to be fixed from all the construction
if you ever wondered why there isn't Jamba Juice at whole foods anymore
if you know about Beckman High School...but have never really seen it
if you're trying to tell someone where you live in the hills and you refer to someone else from foothill that lives by you, and they still don't know where that is
if rocking horse ridge, cowan heights and every other communtiy make sense to you while driving somewhere
if going beyond 17th and the freeway, past coffee bean and fazolios, seems like a completly different world.
if you're never surprised there's a wait at BJ's on the weekends
if you go to denny's at 1am and to only see someone you know there
if you wished that patch of land where they always have christmas trees would turn into a gas station
if you know not to go to black star canyon, cuz you heard the kkk are there
if you've ever parked on that one spot on the hills where you can see all of orange county w/ someone of the opposite sex, haha only to find out that its a busy street
if you're at the top of the hills faded and the only way you know how to get to the bottom is to keep going down, not caring what street you're on
if you're definaly not confused by skyline and s.e.skyline, cuz we all know they are totally different streets
if you know when you're flying down newport from the hills to slow down by foothill cuz there's always cops chillin in that parking lot
if cirlce k is the closest thing for you to get drinks and cigs
if anything over the 55 fwy or 5 fwy is new to you
if you are outside on a quite night and you know its 9:30, because you can slightly hear the disneyland fireworks
if you refer to edwards theater irvine side, and everyone knows which oneif mulan is one of the only chinese food places you know
if sushi is always a good idea, but not before drinkingif you can't think of a place to eat you go down chapman ave. cuz every fast food place is on chapmanif in n out is busy every night durning the weekend, and you know at least one person in there
if you refer to california pizza kitchen as cpk
if going down irvine blvd. towards newport, and you miss the light at red hill, you just turn right to go to la colina, and again stop at no stop sign
if you wonder where tustin boardroom, or beach bums, or whatever its called moved, to learn it moved by big five and you have to think a second where that is
if you can start a quote from anchorman at a party and about 5 people can finish it, or wedding crashers
if someone in your family has a costco card, and you know they have amazing pizza
if on wed. you know to go to lampost for buddy lunches
if you have been into Micheal' lately and don't recongnize a thing in there
if you know the irvine spectrum is full of emo kids on the weekends, extend that to the TMP being the place for all middle schools kids on the weekends before 10 pm..cuz they all have to be picked up by mom or dad
if you treat jamboree like a fwy going from irvine blvd. up to chapman, even though the speed limit is like 45
if when refering to pch for food, you know you're talking about hot dogs on champan
if you ever wondered what the hell sear essencials is, and what do they sell? (by costco)
if you ever wondered what the hell is going to replace Good Guys, and when cuz its been like 7 months since they closed
if you're mad about the new stop light infront of the bowling ally, it just doesn't make sense and you also wish that they would turn on that right green arrow going onto newport from old irvine
if going down to newport beach you know to get off at victoria cuz its like a whole 10 seconds faster. haha, but we still do it
if you hate the fact that everyone has the razor, including myself
if while driving down dodge pass esplanade, you go really fast over the huge dip
if at some point over the weekend you make that trip over the freeway to del taco...cuz del never sounds bad at 1 am, and you find out you're not the only one with that bright idea..cuz there's always a line in the drive through
if you've ever made that joke about boner street over off of yorba ave.
if you've ever waken up somewhat early on a sat. or sun and gone down jamboree and it seems like there's a bike marathon going on. and you prob. have a hang over so you try hard not to hit them
if you wondered why chick-fil-a isn't open on sundays
if you need anything in life, target seems to be the place to go
if you see one lifted truck w/ a famous/metal/or any black and white sticker, and your first thought is bro ho
if you're glad there is a chipotle on newport ave.
if you know what the hut is/was.
if you always see that there's always a new restaurant where the hut used to be.
if you speak of LA, everyone knows you're talking about LA Fitness off of 17th and Tustin.
if you're craving sushi and ask anyone for a good sushi bar, Tommy's always seems to brought up.
if you're craving sushi late at night, you know there's always one japanese restaurant open until 1:00 AM everyday of the week; Honda Ya.
if you're giving directions you either say towards or away from foothill/tustin high school.
Song of the Day: Hang me up to dry- Cold war kids
Until next time
if you drive through the hills a little faded, or drunk and you think you're driving way too fast, only to look down and you're only going 10 mph.if at one point or another you have been to lemon heights park, only to find out that cops are there every night at 10:30 on the dot.
if peters canyon isn't just a hiking, its a place to drinkif driving down to tustin high seems like a long ways, long enough to carpool
if you know at least 5 people that work at Chick's or have worked there
if you have ever thought that Trinity Church would make a kick ass water slide, or that you know there are always cops sitting in the parking lot
if you hate the fact that 17th street never seems to be fixed from all the construction
if you ever wondered why there isn't Jamba Juice at whole foods anymore
if you know about Beckman High School...but have never really seen it
if you're trying to tell someone where you live in the hills and you refer to someone else from foothill that lives by you, and they still don't know where that is
if rocking horse ridge, cowan heights and every other communtiy make sense to you while driving somewhere
if going beyond 17th and the freeway, past coffee bean and fazolios, seems like a completly different world.
if you're never surprised there's a wait at BJ's on the weekends
if you go to denny's at 1am and to only see someone you know there
if you wished that patch of land where they always have christmas trees would turn into a gas station
if you know not to go to black star canyon, cuz you heard the kkk are there
if you've ever parked on that one spot on the hills where you can see all of orange county w/ someone of the opposite sex, haha only to find out that its a busy street
if you're at the top of the hills faded and the only way you know how to get to the bottom is to keep going down, not caring what street you're on
if you're definaly not confused by skyline and s.e.skyline, cuz we all know they are totally different streets
if you know when you're flying down newport from the hills to slow down by foothill cuz there's always cops chillin in that parking lot
if cirlce k is the closest thing for you to get drinks and cigs
if anything over the 55 fwy or 5 fwy is new to you
if you are outside on a quite night and you know its 9:30, because you can slightly hear the disneyland fireworks
if you refer to edwards theater irvine side, and everyone knows which oneif mulan is one of the only chinese food places you know
if sushi is always a good idea, but not before drinkingif you can't think of a place to eat you go down chapman ave. cuz every fast food place is on chapmanif in n out is busy every night durning the weekend, and you know at least one person in there
if you refer to california pizza kitchen as cpk
if going down irvine blvd. towards newport, and you miss the light at red hill, you just turn right to go to la colina, and again stop at no stop sign
if you wonder where tustin boardroom, or beach bums, or whatever its called moved, to learn it moved by big five and you have to think a second where that is
if you can start a quote from anchorman at a party and about 5 people can finish it, or wedding crashers
if someone in your family has a costco card, and you know they have amazing pizza
if on wed. you know to go to lampost for buddy lunches
if you have been into Micheal' lately and don't recongnize a thing in there
if you know the irvine spectrum is full of emo kids on the weekends, extend that to the TMP being the place for all middle schools kids on the weekends before 10 pm..cuz they all have to be picked up by mom or dad
if you treat jamboree like a fwy going from irvine blvd. up to chapman, even though the speed limit is like 45
if when refering to pch for food, you know you're talking about hot dogs on champan
if you ever wondered what the hell sear essencials is, and what do they sell? (by costco)
if you ever wondered what the hell is going to replace Good Guys, and when cuz its been like 7 months since they closed
if you're mad about the new stop light infront of the bowling ally, it just doesn't make sense and you also wish that they would turn on that right green arrow going onto newport from old irvine
if going down to newport beach you know to get off at victoria cuz its like a whole 10 seconds faster. haha, but we still do it
if you hate the fact that everyone has the razor, including myself
if while driving down dodge pass esplanade, you go really fast over the huge dip
if at some point over the weekend you make that trip over the freeway to del taco...cuz del never sounds bad at 1 am, and you find out you're not the only one with that bright idea..cuz there's always a line in the drive through
if you've ever made that joke about boner street over off of yorba ave.
if you've ever waken up somewhat early on a sat. or sun and gone down jamboree and it seems like there's a bike marathon going on. and you prob. have a hang over so you try hard not to hit them
if you wondered why chick-fil-a isn't open on sundays
if you need anything in life, target seems to be the place to go
if you see one lifted truck w/ a famous/metal/or any black and white sticker, and your first thought is bro ho
if you're glad there is a chipotle on newport ave.
if you know what the hut is/was.
if you always see that there's always a new restaurant where the hut used to be.
if you speak of LA, everyone knows you're talking about LA Fitness off of 17th and Tustin.
if you're craving sushi and ask anyone for a good sushi bar, Tommy's always seems to brought up.
if you're craving sushi late at night, you know there's always one japanese restaurant open until 1:00 AM everyday of the week; Honda Ya.
if you're giving directions you either say towards or away from foothill/tustin high school.
Song of the Day: Hang me up to dry- Cold war kids
Until next time
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
WOOOOW. ok usually when i don't update it's because i'm too lazy to, but this time i just completely forgot!! like honestly, i totally forgot i had a blogger. A lot has happened in the past few days but.... i don't feel like writing.
BUT TODAY. oh man. i'm really scared now. freakin......registration for next year and having to worry about colleges. JESUS CHRIST. i hate....the american dream...
I HATE THE AMERICAN DREAM!!!! hahahah. what uncle's here from CR so i guess that's cool...
it's starting to get hot again, godddddddammit. oh and i saw a full frontal naked picture of daniel radcliffe on the internet yesterday. that was interesting.....
Until next time
BUT TODAY. oh man. i'm really scared now. freakin......registration for next year and having to worry about colleges. JESUS CHRIST. i hate....the american dream...
I HATE THE AMERICAN DREAM!!!! hahahah. what uncle's here from CR so i guess that's cool...
it's starting to get hot again, godddddddammit. oh and i saw a full frontal naked picture of daniel radcliffe on the internet yesterday. that was interesting.....
Song of the Day: Apologize- One Republic
Until next time
Saturday, February 24, 2007
oh happy day-ay
just got back from SAT practice. it was fuh reezing!!! elim and i were shaking the whole time.
after, me, elim, and caseface went to soup plantation and totally pigged out. it was my second time going, but gosh i love that place. the food is greeaaat.
oh! yesterday i went ice skating with lauren, alyssa, and marla.........HO MAN. it was so much freaking fun. my feet are dead though, it hurts really bad cause your feet tend to go inward, so my ankles are chaffed beyond belief.
definitely going back there more often. i think it's easier than regular skating. anywho, formal's tonight.....
mehhh. i really wanted to go but, at the same time, im glad i don't have to endure the many hours of stressing about it the day of. maybe i'll do something tonight, we'll see.
Song of the day x a million: Here with me- Dido
Until next time,
after, me, elim, and caseface went to soup plantation and totally pigged out. it was my second time going, but gosh i love that place. the food is greeaaat.
oh! yesterday i went ice skating with lauren, alyssa, and marla.........HO MAN. it was so much freaking fun. my feet are dead though, it hurts really bad cause your feet tend to go inward, so my ankles are chaffed beyond belief.
definitely going back there more often. i think it's easier than regular skating. anywho, formal's tonight.....
mehhh. i really wanted to go but, at the same time, im glad i don't have to endure the many hours of stressing about it the day of. maybe i'll do something tonight, we'll see.
Song of the day x a million: Here with me- Dido
Until next time,
Thursday, February 22, 2007
mood of the day........?
no update in more than a week? what the heck? yes i've been neglectful yet again. i meant to write over the weekend (which was a pretty cool one) but i never got a chance to.
a ver...que les puedo contar.... ??
IHOP on monday............
SAT practice last night.....
School today.......
to quote Forrest Gump: " ...and that's all I have to say about that."
Song of the day: I don't feel like Dancin'- Scissor Sisters
Until next time
no update in more than a week? what the heck? yes i've been neglectful yet again. i meant to write over the weekend (which was a pretty cool one) but i never got a chance to.
a ver...que les puedo contar.... ??
IHOP on monday............
SAT practice last night.....
School today.......
to quote Forrest Gump: " ...and that's all I have to say about that."
Song of the day: I don't feel like Dancin'- Scissor Sisters
Until next time
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
i am considering
moving to Costa Rica. Am I crazy??
Song of the Day: All good things come to and End- Nelly Furtado and Chris Martin
Until next time
Song of the Day: All good things come to and End- Nelly Furtado and Chris Martin
Until next time
Sunday, February 11, 2007
i'm gonna buy a gun and start a war
if you can tell me something worth fighting for........
because, as of now, there is nothing.
Song of the Day: A Rush of Blood to the Head- Coldplay
Until next time
because, as of now, there is nothing.
Song of the Day: A Rush of Blood to the Head- Coldplay
Until next time
Friday, February 09, 2007
you get tension headache.....
the reason why my head has been hurting so much is because they are stress tension headaches. with everything that's been going on lately i'm really not surprised. i have the whole world on my shoulders right now and there's like, one person i can talk to. it's very frustrating.
on thursday, at 3 a.m. i woke up with the worst headache i've had. i got up and was all dizzy and threw up, and i got kinda scared. so seeing as how i only got like 2 hours of sleep that night, i didn't go to school that day.
oh i almost forgot, i got a "fill-in" doctor today, because my regular doctor couldn't make it....but... i'm keeping this new guy. haha. he is SOOOO cute. in a middle eastern sort of way haha. but yeah, he's nice and funny, and went to costa rica last year, so he's definitely on my good side. he gave me all this advice on how to get rid of the headaches.
like, doing yoga, and meditating, eating right and exercising. he also said my t.v. has got to leave my room. that's gonna happen. haha. anywho im supposed to hang with l.k. today. guitar hero here i come!!!
Song of the day (to sum up my week): Roadside- Rise Against
Until next time
on thursday, at 3 a.m. i woke up with the worst headache i've had. i got up and was all dizzy and threw up, and i got kinda scared. so seeing as how i only got like 2 hours of sleep that night, i didn't go to school that day.
oh i almost forgot, i got a "fill-in" doctor today, because my regular doctor couldn't make it....but... i'm keeping this new guy. haha. he is SOOOO cute. in a middle eastern sort of way haha. but yeah, he's nice and funny, and went to costa rica last year, so he's definitely on my good side. he gave me all this advice on how to get rid of the headaches.
like, doing yoga, and meditating, eating right and exercising. he also said my t.v. has got to leave my room. that's gonna happen. haha. anywho im supposed to hang with l.k. today. guitar hero here i come!!!
Song of the day (to sum up my week): Roadside- Rise Against
Until next time
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
i think i'm getting an ulser
and this is the worst week of my life..........
Song of the Day: Open Book- Tahiti 80
Until next time
Song of the Day: Open Book- Tahiti 80
Until next time
Monday, February 05, 2007
i broke the streak
of updating daily....dammit.
let's see, what's happened since the 28th? hmm not much. Chris came over on friday and we had a smallville marathon....for like two hours? haha that was fun. and then shaterday i went to this italian restaraunt called Aldo's at the circle. SO GOOD. sunday i was supposed to do something. but that fell through again.....HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM????????????
ok so school is officially the worst thing in my life right now. haha. we just started a new semester and i'm off to a bad start already. I'm falling behind and i hate it. and i admit that it's completely all my fault because i haven't been applying myself. whatever, starting this week i am gonna be #1 scholar. whatever that means.
gosh, and the friend department hasn't been helping at all either the past few days. i don't know, certain things that people do just don't make me really mad, when i know they should. idk, maybe it was just the way i was brought up. i take things more personally than other people intend them to be, and if i say anything, i look like a total wuss. " Retard-itus" strikes again.
i've come to realize that i can really only talk to two people. i mean really TALK to. both of them were kinda unexpected. but yeah, great listeners and non-judgemental. hands down.
i've just been feeling really crappy lately. hopefully this will go away soon.
chipotle's tomorrow......woot....(i think??)
beach on wednesday....woot....(i FREAKING think????)
whatever. i've come to realize that i shouldn't expect anything out of anyone when it comes to these situations.
Songs of the day: Gravity- John Mayer
The Sky is a Landfill- Jeff Buckley
Setting of the Sun- Ben Jelen
off to bed, i said. it's time for bed.....BEFORE 10??? WOT????
Until next time
let's see, what's happened since the 28th? hmm not much. Chris came over on friday and we had a smallville marathon....for like two hours? haha that was fun. and then shaterday i went to this italian restaraunt called Aldo's at the circle. SO GOOD. sunday i was supposed to do something. but that fell through again.....HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM????????????
ok so school is officially the worst thing in my life right now. haha. we just started a new semester and i'm off to a bad start already. I'm falling behind and i hate it. and i admit that it's completely all my fault because i haven't been applying myself. whatever, starting this week i am gonna be #1 scholar. whatever that means.
gosh, and the friend department hasn't been helping at all either the past few days. i don't know, certain things that people do just don't make me really mad, when i know they should. idk, maybe it was just the way i was brought up. i take things more personally than other people intend them to be, and if i say anything, i look like a total wuss. " Retard-itus" strikes again.
i've come to realize that i can really only talk to two people. i mean really TALK to. both of them were kinda unexpected. but yeah, great listeners and non-judgemental. hands down.
i've just been feeling really crappy lately. hopefully this will go away soon.
chipotle's tomorrow......woot....(i think??)
beach on wednesday....woot....(i FREAKING think????)
whatever. i've come to realize that i shouldn't expect anything out of anyone when it comes to these situations.
Songs of the day: Gravity- John Mayer
The Sky is a Landfill- Jeff Buckley
Setting of the Sun- Ben Jelen
off to bed, i said. it's time for bed.....BEFORE 10??? WOT????
Until next time
Sunday, January 28, 2007
1, 2, 3 and to the 4
i just had the best shrimp scampi of my life. yummm
Last night was so much fun. I'm glad i went. Today i flopped around the house yet again and spent most of my day on the computer. Sad, i know.
I have to leave for barnes and noble in a few and get my Macbeth book. BLEH.
I was talking to my parents a while ago at dinner and i said," How are you gonna take both cars to costa rica? That's gonna be so expensive..."
and my dad goes, " What do you mean 'you'? You mean WE"
apparently, they've changed their minds and want to take me with them to costa rica again. WHAT THE HELL. I am seriously, pissed/scared/stressed/panicked about what's gonna happen after graduation. I have no idea what the hell i'm gonna do, how im gonna survive financially, what i'm gonna do after college, (that's assuming that i even go). There's just that big question mark hanging out there. It's freaking scary.
And one part of me is like, why wouldn't i want to go to Costa Rica? Everyday is like a vacation, it's sooo laid back, everyone you meet is nice, my whole family's over there, it's so easy to live a comfortable life financially, and in a few years the US will probably blow itself up with a nuclear bomb.
But then the other part of me doesn't wanna take the easy way out, and actually fight and work for something that i've wanted for the first time in my life. All my friends are here, i feel more secure, this is essentially who i am. Plus, if i DO make it, i'll be freaking rich, earning like 20 some million bucks per film. It's a risk i'm willing to take you know?
jeeze i really don't know what to do here. I feel like im being forced to grow up so quickly.....
Song of the day: Sparks- Coldplay
Until next time,
Last night was so much fun. I'm glad i went. Today i flopped around the house yet again and spent most of my day on the computer. Sad, i know.
I have to leave for barnes and noble in a few and get my Macbeth book. BLEH.
I was talking to my parents a while ago at dinner and i said," How are you gonna take both cars to costa rica? That's gonna be so expensive..."
and my dad goes, " What do you mean 'you'? You mean WE"
apparently, they've changed their minds and want to take me with them to costa rica again. WHAT THE HELL. I am seriously, pissed/scared/stressed/panicked about what's gonna happen after graduation. I have no idea what the hell i'm gonna do, how im gonna survive financially, what i'm gonna do after college, (that's assuming that i even go). There's just that big question mark hanging out there. It's freaking scary.
And one part of me is like, why wouldn't i want to go to Costa Rica? Everyday is like a vacation, it's sooo laid back, everyone you meet is nice, my whole family's over there, it's so easy to live a comfortable life financially, and in a few years the US will probably blow itself up with a nuclear bomb.
But then the other part of me doesn't wanna take the easy way out, and actually fight and work for something that i've wanted for the first time in my life. All my friends are here, i feel more secure, this is essentially who i am. Plus, if i DO make it, i'll be freaking rich, earning like 20 some million bucks per film. It's a risk i'm willing to take you know?
jeeze i really don't know what to do here. I feel like im being forced to grow up so quickly.....
Song of the day: Sparks- Coldplay
Until next time,
Saturday, January 27, 2007
catch and release
ok SERIOUSLY. one of my favorite movies now. Definitely on my top list. GO WATCH IT. it's amazing.
so yeah, melee kinda fell through tonight. FREAKING BOWLING FOR SOUP. why do people like them? they're ridiculous. but as lauren said:
it wasn't meant to be. and you know what? we ended up watching this amazing movie, that i actually cracked up in (which i never do).
Yes. Tonight. Was. Fun.
Tomorrow= shopping for a new car.
Until next time
it's a beautiful day
So a little update: I went on my behind the wheel yesterday. HOLY MAN. I was so freaked out! We drove all the way to yorba linda. I had a few mishaps um..... i ran a red light....AHEM.....
ANYWAYS. Finals are finally over thank god. I know i did really well except in math....guhh...i don't wanna check edline yet, cause it might ruin my weekend.
Let's see what else is new? I think Greg Laswell is climbing up the list of my favorite bands. He's amazing.
I woke up at 6:00 this morning. Not because i had to go somewhere or anything, but just on my own. I have no idea why. It's my internal clock. I should set it back like 3 hours on the weekend haha. I think it's also because i had a pretty nasty dream too. Not a nightmare, just like a frustrating one. The kind where you wake up in a bad mood.
I was supposed to go out last night. But i didn't. Why is that? oh wait. I know.......
Song of the Day: Slide- Goo Goo Dolls
Until next time
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
my neck hurts
it's really stiff. MEH.
i know what it's from though...... 4 HOURS OF STUDYING FOR CHEM. jesus i hope i do good on that tomorrow. today was a pretty easy day for me. i think i did well.
Im really excited for this week (after finals are over). I have my behind the wheel on Friday, and then hopefully i'll get to go see melee with lauren on shaterday? And a new semester starts so it's a clean slate for my grades, thank god.
this is really a pointless entry, but hey, i hade 5 minutes to spare before i went to bed....BEFORE 11?? GASP. this hasn't happened in a long time.
Song of the Day: Addicted- Enrique Iglesias ( i forgot how good this song was!)
Until next time
i know what it's from though...... 4 HOURS OF STUDYING FOR CHEM. jesus i hope i do good on that tomorrow. today was a pretty easy day for me. i think i did well.
Im really excited for this week (after finals are over). I have my behind the wheel on Friday, and then hopefully i'll get to go see melee with lauren on shaterday? And a new semester starts so it's a clean slate for my grades, thank god.
this is really a pointless entry, but hey, i hade 5 minutes to spare before i went to bed....BEFORE 11?? GASP. this hasn't happened in a long time.
Song of the Day: Addicted- Enrique Iglesias ( i forgot how good this song was!)
Until next time
Monday, January 22, 2007
cheschire cat
ugh. i just got back from study sesh at the school. but honestly, i am SO glad i went. i got extra credit points, and i understand everything for the most part now. thank god.
oh my gosh, but on the way there, the car in front of us ran over a cat......holy lord. We drove past it and like, it's upper half of its body was like literally twisted around. it was struggling to get up and walk and it just couldn't. GOD i felt soooooo bad for it. like, i wanted to puke and cry at the same time.
Anytime i see an animal get run over i always think of that happening to andrew and i just get sick to my stomach. haha. i seriously don't know what im gonna do when that dog dies. i think i'll die as well.
But enough of that.
On the way home, there was a crescent moon out, but it was sideways, so it looked like a big smile. And it reminded me of the cheschire cat in alice in wonderland. It was pretty cool.
So yeah, finals tomorrow. I got: math, auto, and video haha. Pretty easy day, considering that i get math now. Anywho, if you're reading this, wish me luck tomorrow. I gotta go and study some more.
Song of the Day: Sing Theresa Says- Greg Laswell (This guy is amazing)
Until next time
oh my gosh, but on the way there, the car in front of us ran over a cat......holy lord. We drove past it and like, it's upper half of its body was like literally twisted around. it was struggling to get up and walk and it just couldn't. GOD i felt soooooo bad for it. like, i wanted to puke and cry at the same time.
Anytime i see an animal get run over i always think of that happening to andrew and i just get sick to my stomach. haha. i seriously don't know what im gonna do when that dog dies. i think i'll die as well.
But enough of that.
On the way home, there was a crescent moon out, but it was sideways, so it looked like a big smile. And it reminded me of the cheschire cat in alice in wonderland. It was pretty cool.
So yeah, finals tomorrow. I got: math, auto, and video haha. Pretty easy day, considering that i get math now. Anywho, if you're reading this, wish me luck tomorrow. I gotta go and study some more.
Song of the Day: Sing Theresa Says- Greg Laswell (This guy is amazing)
Until next time
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Wanna see me tapdance?
So yeah, that was fun. and TONIGHT. oh man. half an hour ago i was at chain watching daphne loves derby. They were soooo goooood! Ugh amazing, AMAZING! except, people at the show were retarded as usual. and smelled like shit. God they were so annoying. yes, they were.
Christ, finals are next week. You know what that means kids!!!! I'm studying alllll weekend long. And editing. But im actually looking forward to that. OH! i forgot to say, last night, was probably one of the best smallville episodes of the whole series. JUSTICE LEAGUE BABY. It was so cool! Yeah, anywho what else is there? Oh, i found this song, and it's soooo pretty. One of the best songs i've heard. And actually i've got a few S.O.D. (songs of the day). Here you go.
High and Low- Greg Laswell
Sundays- Daphne Loves Derby
Closing Down the Pattern Department- Daphne Loves Derby
Better Part of Me- House of Fools
Until next time,
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
The finals are coming!
I actually have some free time before 10:00?? what the heck??
So yeah, i've been meaning to write for the past few days but just haven't had the time. and that sucks because the cool things i was gonna write about have just completely left my mind. so i'll write what i can remember. let's see....
i submitted my entry for USF. I'll leave the guessing up to you as to what that stands for, cause im too embarrassed to say. haha. Let's just say, the prize is like, a dream of mine. In any case, my entry is pretty kick ass.
today at lunch was really fun. oh wait..... EXCEPT the part where my backpack got turned inside out.
allie...poor, poor, allie. i don't think she realizes what she just got herself into. She's playing with fire man. Because you DO NOT want to get on my vengeful side. hahaha. When i do the payback of THE CENTURY i'll write about it ahah.
anywho, daphne loves derby in two days!!! im stoked. and we have to get there early. plain and simple. the end.
smallville tomorrow!! only im gonna have to miss it because i have to film.....this is the first time i'm missing it in like, 4 years. GOD. im so ashamed.
my leg hurts like hell, and today i had the worst cramps of my life. haha. im sure you want to know this. and OHHH GODDDD. finals next week. kill me now. i really hate them. with a passion. after next week, i'll be able to relax, but until then it's gonna be hell.
umm yeah i think that's it. besides the fact that i can no longer ask the guy i wanted to to formal. because he's being asked by someone else. who happens to be my friend so i can't just ask him first. but if she wasn't my friend.....HELLZ YEAH i would've asked him first hahaha.
i've got a double slamma-jamma for you!
Song of the day: In my life- The Beatles
Phrase of the day: What the pho?
Until next time,
So yeah, i've been meaning to write for the past few days but just haven't had the time. and that sucks because the cool things i was gonna write about have just completely left my mind. so i'll write what i can remember. let's see....
i submitted my entry for USF. I'll leave the guessing up to you as to what that stands for, cause im too embarrassed to say. haha. Let's just say, the prize is like, a dream of mine. In any case, my entry is pretty kick ass.
today at lunch was really fun. oh wait..... EXCEPT the part where my backpack got turned inside out.
allie...poor, poor, allie. i don't think she realizes what she just got herself into. She's playing with fire man. Because you DO NOT want to get on my vengeful side. hahaha. When i do the payback of THE CENTURY i'll write about it ahah.
anywho, daphne loves derby in two days!!! im stoked. and we have to get there early. plain and simple. the end.
smallville tomorrow!! only im gonna have to miss it because i have to film.....this is the first time i'm missing it in like, 4 years. GOD. im so ashamed.
my leg hurts like hell, and today i had the worst cramps of my life. haha. im sure you want to know this. and OHHH GODDDD. finals next week. kill me now. i really hate them. with a passion. after next week, i'll be able to relax, but until then it's gonna be hell.
umm yeah i think that's it. besides the fact that i can no longer ask the guy i wanted to to formal. because he's being asked by someone else. who happens to be my friend so i can't just ask him first. but if she wasn't my friend.....HELLZ YEAH i would've asked him first hahaha.
i've got a double slamma-jamma for you!
Song of the day: In my life- The Beatles
Phrase of the day: What the pho?
Until next time,
Friday, January 12, 2007
it's a friday night
"and for the first time in a long time im stuck at home playing on my computer. and why is this?
i think i have a PRETTY GOOD idea.
Until next time
that was literally.......two minutes ago. and now lauren asked me if i wanted to go to a concert with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAHA talk about karma biotch!!!!
Song of the Day: If I Could Paint- Corey Benjamin
i think i have a PRETTY GOOD idea.
Until next time
that was literally.......two minutes ago. and now lauren asked me if i wanted to go to a concert with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAHA talk about karma biotch!!!!
Song of the Day: If I Could Paint- Corey Benjamin
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Clana my butt!
smallville sucked tonight.
well okay. i SUPPOSE it was a good was actually.
Acting wise, the actors were amazing, and they story line was reallllyy good. honestly, overall a good episode. BUT....
freaking clark man. what a dickhead. WHAT A DICKHEAD!!!
i love this show, but i hate it even more.
hahaha it's a love/hate thing with me and this freaking show. ok. enough of my ranting. i have to get up early and drive to school. woot.
Song of the day: There is Hope- Number One Gun
Until next time
well okay. i SUPPOSE it was a good was actually.
Acting wise, the actors were amazing, and they story line was reallllyy good. honestly, overall a good episode. BUT....
freaking clark man. what a dickhead. WHAT A DICKHEAD!!!
i love this show, but i hate it even more.
hahaha it's a love/hate thing with me and this freaking show. ok. enough of my ranting. i have to get up early and drive to school. woot.
Song of the day: There is Hope- Number One Gun
Until next time
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
i've decided
my attributes, without sounding conceited:
-good listener
-good advice giver
but i've decided that all of this doesn't mean shit. because these things all get covered up by my biggest fault: my inability to express myself and my secrecy. it's a genetic thing, trust me. but it still doesn't change the fact that everything gets fucked up because of it. FUCK THIS.
Song of the day: From Yesterday- 30 Seconds to Mars
Until next time
-good listener
-good advice giver
but i've decided that all of this doesn't mean shit. because these things all get covered up by my biggest fault: my inability to express myself and my secrecy. it's a genetic thing, trust me. but it still doesn't change the fact that everything gets fucked up because of it. FUCK THIS.
Song of the day: From Yesterday- 30 Seconds to Mars
Until next time
Sunday, January 07, 2007
reality sets in...
winter break has finally come to an end. it really didn't go by fast for me, thankfully. i feel like i've been on vacation for the longest time. chris and i were talking and it's definitely been the weirdest vacation we've ever had.
i'm so sad/angry for tomorrow though. i freaking hate school. time to go back to ridiculous teachers and ridiculous homework. oh and drama! how fun!
the only thing i'm looking forward to this week is smallville. it's gonna be tizzite. i can't wait. so yeah, just thought i'd get a word in before i go do my winter break homework, that of course i wait till the last day to do. oh and i've gotta clean my room.....great.
on a more positive note, this song has been somewhat cheering me up. you should listen to it, it's GREAT.
Song of the day: Stars and Boulevards- Augustana
Until next time
i'm so sad/angry for tomorrow though. i freaking hate school. time to go back to ridiculous teachers and ridiculous homework. oh and drama! how fun!
the only thing i'm looking forward to this week is smallville. it's gonna be tizzite. i can't wait. so yeah, just thought i'd get a word in before i go do my winter break homework, that of course i wait till the last day to do. oh and i've gotta clean my room.....great.
on a more positive note, this song has been somewhat cheering me up. you should listen to it, it's GREAT.
Song of the day: Stars and Boulevards- Augustana
Until next time
Thursday, January 04, 2007
jeeze louise
that's all i can say right now. god i am in SUCH a crappy mood. i just wanna curl up into a ball and go to sleep forever. the friend drama has returned.....surprise, surprise.....
there's so much crap, and secrets, and horrible things that have happened, that i feel if i say the least little thing, im backstabbing someone just for expressing my opinion. i really can't take it anymore. im afraid that something i said is gonna be taken out of context and used against me. i'm not really good at expressing what i REALLY feel so i act a certain way and sugarcoat things just to not hurt someone's feelings, and then i look like a total hipocrite. the confrontations are coming too. and i CANNOT stand confrontations.
the only thing i know for certain is this: school is gonna be INTERESTING next week. all the dirt is going to unravel, i can feel it.
i really think we've added new meaning to " high school drama". the only good thing that came out of this is that i know who i'm asking to formal now haha. big whoop.
Song of the day: Leaders of the Free World- Elbow
Until next time
that's all i can say right now. god i am in SUCH a crappy mood. i just wanna curl up into a ball and go to sleep forever. the friend drama has returned.....surprise, surprise.....
there's so much crap, and secrets, and horrible things that have happened, that i feel if i say the least little thing, im backstabbing someone just for expressing my opinion. i really can't take it anymore. im afraid that something i said is gonna be taken out of context and used against me. i'm not really good at expressing what i REALLY feel so i act a certain way and sugarcoat things just to not hurt someone's feelings, and then i look like a total hipocrite. the confrontations are coming too. and i CANNOT stand confrontations.
the only thing i know for certain is this: school is gonna be INTERESTING next week. all the dirt is going to unravel, i can feel it.
i really think we've added new meaning to " high school drama". the only good thing that came out of this is that i know who i'm asking to formal now haha. big whoop.
Song of the day: Leaders of the Free World- Elbow
Until next time
Monday, January 01, 2007
interesting start
i woke up at 2 pm today. i was basically dead from last night. it was so much fun though. i danced with this cute costa rican guy haha. the only sad part was that we couldn't find a radio or tv station that was counting down so it was kinda like....
" What time is it?"
" It's 11:59!"
" Oh god!.....What time is it now?"
" It's midnight!"
" Oh!....well....HEY! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!"
hahahah. but yeah. i had a blast last night.
HOWEVER. there always seems to be something that just goes wrong. and on the first day of the year, no less.
Some new information has come to my attention and i don't know what to think. i feel like i wanna puke, and kill someone, and slap myself for being so stupid.....and bring someone back to life and bury them alive.
It's amazing how stuff that happened 6 months ago can come around and bite you in the butt.
Until next time,
" What time is it?"
" It's 11:59!"
" Oh god!.....What time is it now?"
" It's midnight!"
" Oh!....well....HEY! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!"
hahahah. but yeah. i had a blast last night.
HOWEVER. there always seems to be something that just goes wrong. and on the first day of the year, no less.
Some new information has come to my attention and i don't know what to think. i feel like i wanna puke, and kill someone, and slap myself for being so stupid.....and bring someone back to life and bury them alive.
It's amazing how stuff that happened 6 months ago can come around and bite you in the butt.
Until next time,
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