Wednesday, December 17, 2008


"Games that never amount to more than they're meant will play themselves out".

Glen, you're amazing. Pretty much story of my life right now.

So a few minutes ago, I broke off a bracelet that I bought in Huntington Beach a few days before I left. I've been wearing it ever since. Whether this breaking off is symbolical, or just me taking off a bracelet is up to you. I've been wearing it because every time I looked at it I was reminded of the story behind it, and everything I left back home. And lately, every time I look at it, I don't see anything. I mean, I see flashes, but I don't remember what it meant to me with as much conviction anymore. The actions of my friends, well one in particular, have helped me make the decision that I can't expect anything from anyone anymore, thus, the removal of the bracelet. It just doesn't mean what it did to me before.

I have decided that I won't fight it anymore. Friends come and go, life gets in the way and they grow apart....if two months of not a single "Hello" isn't enough for me to understand that, then I don't know what is. Whatever happens next isn't up to me. If we are meant to speak again and be friends like we used to be, then it will happen. I have to believe that things will work themselves out. I am washing my hands, and am dropping any small glimmer of hope that I had for myself, right here and now. I won't speak of this again unless something happens. 


I am so into my music right now. I guess getting a new iPod has everything to do with this haha. I made tamales yesterday and the day before....well, helped anyway. They came out sooo good. And with my great-grandma's secret recipe? MMM you would die haha. 

It's finally starting to feel like Christmas here. The tamales definitely helped. But my dad is coming on tuesday, and Christmas is on wednesday (for us anyway) and New years is coming up!!! New years, by the way, is one of my favorite holidays. I love everything, the anticipation, the fireworks, the hats, the drinks haha. This year is going to be AWESOME. The last few years have sucked. Like really sucked....

But anyways, in my free time I have come across this amazing tv show called "Moonlight" which got cancelled after 16 episodes. How does that happen when every single week 8 million people were watching? Well, it got cancelled back in May and someone uploaded all the episodes on youtube. I've only known about it for a few days but it's soooo good! I can't believe they cancelled it. But i guess it's a good thing because if it had continued, that would be my new obsession right there. As soon as Smallville ended I would be all over that. And I swore I would NEVER follow another tv show after Smallville haha. I just get too obsessed over these things.

Anywho, that's what's been going on with me lately! What about you?

The next song that comes up on shuffle will be the song of the day!


eh, not one of my favorites haha

Song of the day: So Much Trouble- Matt Pond PA

Until next time

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