My cousins picked me up at 2:00 and we went to Multi-Plaza, which is a mall nearby. While we were there, we went Christmas shopping for what seemed like forever, and then at this toy store, I ran into one of my cousin's ex-boyfriends...
The thing is, he's pretty much a psycho and the entire family hates him. I wasn't here when they broke up, but needless to say I was on my family's side. So anyway, we spent another half hour and the freaking toy store and he was there for 25 minutes of that half hour. I spent the entire time avoiding him. Then we went to this store called "Vertigo" which is like...F.Y.E.? But I think they closed...anyways, I bought X&Y: The latin american tour version....what a rip-off!
I was all excited because it came with a dvd, so I thought it was from their concert or whatever. All it was, was a couple of new songs which I had already heard before (and I had most of them) set to a slideshow haha. Turns out the word "tour" had nothing to do with it. The lies of consumerism!
Anyways, what I really want to get to today is a little something I did a while ago, and I thought I'd share it with y'all. About a month ago, I made a list. It was a list of all the things I want to accomplish before I get married. Now I say "married" because I have the notion, or understanding rather, that once you're married your life is over....haha your life is over in the sense that, all the things you wanted to do when you were single or younger, are no longer possible, or at least will have to be postponed to some other time later in your life. The only thing that comes to mind when to give you a better example is in "Knocked Up" when Paul Rudd says, "Say when you're single and you want to live in India for a year! When you're single you can do that, not when you're married." (Or something like that).
I realized, with a big thanks to Mondonation for opening my eyes, that there are so many things that I want to accomplish. Writing them all down on paper somehow made them more tangible, and it made me feel like a had a purpose. So I folded up that little piece of paper and put it in my wallet and vowed never to get rid of it, until I had accomplished all my goals. Being where I am right now, I felt like my dreams of being a filmmaker where gone forever, but I realized this is just...an ellipsis (to rob Garden State :]) until I move back to California. In fact I know that when I go back I'll have learned so much from being here, and be a much more mature person, that it will actually help me a lot. So maybe there is a reason why I'm here after all...
Anyways, just some words of wisdom for you, of the little wisdom I do have. Write down your goals and dreams, or whatever you want to accomplish. I know it made me feel great. Vow to do them and check them off one by one...you'll feel like a much more accomplished human being :)
Song of the day: Gravity- Coldplay
Until next time
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