I've decided that I won't be a grinch and let the fact that I'm in Costa Rica stop me from being in the Christmas spirit. I've already downloaded a ton of Christmas songs and put them on a Christmas playlist that will probably play non-stop for the entire month. I also just downloaded a crap load of Christmas wallpapers and set them to rotate on my desktop.
And I've got a ton of Christmas activities to do this month such as: Bake gingerbread cookies, and make another gingerbread house, decorate the Christmas tree, make tamales on the 13th (!!!!!), help my grandma make eggnog, and so on and so forth.
If that still doesn't help my situation, I'll just lock myself in my room and pretend that I'm back home haha. My room is going to be a winter wonderland, most definitely. Anyways, I'm missing a KILLER sunset right about now, so I'll leave you with a new song, and a new blog interface!
I thought I'd go old school and put some Judy Garland on here haha. To this day, I still cry when she sings it in "Meet me in St. Louis". Yes I know, I am a geek.
Song of the day: The Christmas Song- Michael Buble
Until next time
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