Monday, May 12, 2008

the list

After tomorrow, I'll have SOOO many things to look forward to. I mean, graduation and stuff go without saying obviously, but i'm talking about all the things i get to do before i leave. there's so many places for me to see, so many things for me to do that i started to make a list. I call it "The List" hahah. So yeah, basically i'm just writing down all the things i have to accomplish before i leave in December. It includes such things as:
  • Eat at BJ's
  • Watch the sunrise from Cowan Heights (or somewhere up there)
  • Compare my handprints at Mann's Chinese Theater
  • Go ghost riding

Haha, ok that last one, i GUESS i could do in Costa Rica, but that just defeats the whole purpose! Anyways, i studied as much as i could for the psych AP tomorrow, hopefully i'll do well on it. Only 22 more days of school left. Holy sheeeeit. I cannot wait. Honestly, the thing that i'm looking forward to the most is throwing my cap up in the air. That will seriously be a defining moment in my life.

I don't know, i guess all this joy and enthustiasticness stems from the fact that i saw "Into the Wild" a few nights ago, and has changed my outlook on many things in my life. So right about.......NOW......things are looking pretty good.


Song of the day: Somewhere Only We Know- Keane

Until next time


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