Monday, January 26, 2009

Speed of Sound

I always hate to start off an entry with an apology but I do apologize for not writing this weekend. I barely even opened my computer all weekend so a new entry was definitely not going to happen. I was so tired from my first week of U I just wanted to lie down and do nothing. I basically just watched TV and did homework this weekend haha. But I am getting more acclimated to college life now and hopefully the transition will get easier and easier. 

So I have two classes on Monday: Math and computer class. I start at 10:45 and get out at 5:15. Tuesday I have Accounting, start at the same time and get out at 1: 45. Wednesday is Administration, same time block. Finally on Thursday I have Written Communication and Marketing, start at 7:30 (!) and get out at 1:45. I'm taking two extra classes just to get a head start and finish the major as fast as I can. Although, the way things are looking, I'm probably just going to take two classes next quarter haha. I'm just so tired.

Anyways, enough about school. I have been working hard on the Smallville trailer. It's so tight, you don't even know. I was pretty much done with the first third of it, and deleted about half of that and started over haha. This thing has to be perfect. There were a lot of parts that didn't mesh well together and it was already two minutes in! I wasn't even half done with it. If I had kept it, you'd probably be looking at a 5 minute trailer haha, way too long. 

Kinda random but today during a break I had, I went out by the main front hall and sat down at a table. It overlooks the main street down below and the mall across the street. It was 4:00 and the sun was just starting to go down. I put on my iPod and 3 songs in a row started playing that instantly reminded me of home. And for a second I was back there. I was driving down PCH, not in Huntington but in Santa Monica and I was completely happy. I miss home so much. I can't wait till I go back in December.

Anywho, pretty much a rambling entry, but right now I'm just waiting to be inspired by something else. I'm always looking for the next big inspiration or motivation in my life, when I find it, I'll let you know. 

Song of the day: Ragged Wood- Fleet Foxes

Until next time

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

college life

It seems this is my 15oth post (I RULE!) and my first post as a college stu-daaaant. 

well, first of all, I apologize for my lack of updates, but I have been so busy with:

- the house (moving in, unpacking, etc, etc.)
-the trailer (Simon just won't stop bugging me about it! haha)
- stressing the hell out with college.

I started on Monday and I can honestly say I have never been more nervous in my life! I felt like puking when I walked on campus. But today I had my official third day and I've been getting more used to it. I feel a lot better and a lot more comfortable, and everyone is super nice. Plus, there are about 90% more hot guys than there ever were at Foothill hahah which is definitely a plus. 

Unfortunately I can't write as much as I had hoped today, so I just thought I'd give a quick update, let you know I'm not dead.

I'm not dead. 

I'll definitely write a longer post this weekend. Have a great night!

Song of the day: One More for the Road- Frank Sinatra

Until next time

Monday, January 12, 2009

much to say

So I completely forgot about my blogger over the last few days. I apologize, although I had a pretty good excuse. 

If you didn't hear there was an earthquake this past Thursday.....6.2 on the richter scale. It was the biggest earthquake I've ever been in, about 60 people are missing (dead), there were aftershocks for a day and a half, my aunt's house is in danger of being torn down, and it was, to say the least, pretty scary. 

I really can't stop thinking about it, I guess I'm afraid that there will be another one soon. So there's that. Plus, we're finally moving tomorrow, so we've been getting the house ready, packing all our stuff here, unpacking all the stuff at the new house, all those freaking boxes, etc, etc. 

And I start school in one week. So needless to say, I've been stressing out so much over that. I'm so scared. I still have to figure out which classes are in which classroom. 

So just a quick update today. Not really in the mood to write. Just thought I'd fill you in on what's going on.

And by the way, for those of my "friends" who heard about the earthquake and didn't even write to see if I was okay, FUCK YOU. 

Song of the day: La Valse D'Amelie- Yann Tiersen

Until next time

Thursday, January 08, 2009


To quote Kate Winslet: "I'm fucking crawling out of my skin"

Well, I guess that was quoting Clementine Krutchzinski  (sp?).

My mother is being sooooo annoying right now. Like even more so than usual. I just want to tell her off so bad. But of course I can't do that. I feel like going on a cursing rampage....mother fucker. 

Song of the day: You got Yr. Cherry Bomb- Spoon

Until next time

Monday, January 05, 2009



Hey there. I just got back from my cousin Paula's house. I pretty much stayed for the whole weekend. I had a great time, she has an 11 month old little girl (I guess we're second cousins?) who is just a kick in the pants. She is soooo funny. But then again pretty much anything that babies do at that age is hilarious. All in all, I had a great time hanging out with them and Silvia this weekend. 

However, with every bit of good news there seems to be bad news that follow, at least in my life. I've been suspecting this for some time now, and recent events that took place this weekend have confirmed what I've been dreading to be true. No, I'm not pregnant (although I did have a dream that I was pregnant last night and felt like dying because I didn't know how I was going to tell my dad. Probably due to the fact that I watched Juno last night haha). I'm not pregnant. 


allergic to chocolate. 


ME CAGO EN PUTAAAAAAA. Translation: Fuck my liiiiiiiife hahahaha. 

Oh my gosh. On the list of worst things that could happen to me physically, that one is definitely up there. I don't know if you know the extent of my love/obsession for chocolate. I used to feel so bad when I heard someone was allergic to chocolate. "God, that seriously sucks I used to say". And now I am drowning in my own self pity. Gahhha;lksdjf;lakjsdf.

Why did this have to happen to meeeee?! haha. Basically what happens is that every time I eat chocolate my stomach hurts. Really bad. I don't feel like puking or going to the bathroom, but it feels like my intestine is being pulled really hard inside of my stomach. It just really hurts plain and simple. And it basically takes an entire day for it to go away. So until I figure out how to deal with this problem, it's no chocolate at all. As much as I love it, there is no chocolate in the world worth that freaking pain. In the spirit of the new year, I will definitely remember '09 as the year that became allergic to chocolate. Guh. Okay enough complaining. 

You've probably heard of this guy, or at least seen his work. His name is Julian Beever. Basically, he creates optical illusions on pavement using chalk. Freaking cool. This one is my favorite.

Song of the day: Flume- Bon Iver

Until next time

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Ready, Set...

It's kinda cool to have a new drop down list on the right. Hopefully the 2009 link will be filled with many more entries than 2008. 

So no particular overwhelming feelings tonight. I'm just pretty calm. Still trying to get over the spectacle of last night. It was seriously, one of the coolest things I have ever seen. Definitely worth waiting one year for. 

So we're standing out on my aunt's terrace which overlooks the entire central valley (as I've told you many times before). Counting down the seconds, you can see every star in the sky, the lights down below are sparkling and shining, and there is a sense of anxiousness and eagerness in the air. 

Cinco, quatro, tres, dos, uno! Feliz ano!!!! 

Almost instantly you hear a pop in the distance, then another, followed by another until there are literally hundreds of fireworks going off in the central valley within seconds of each other. If you think fireworks are cool by themselves, try watching hundreds of them above the city. It was like watching from space. I think that image will definitely stay with me for the rest of my life. 

Anyways, not a very productive year so far, I've been laying around the house all day haha. But it's all good. I'm not sure if I should make a New Year's resolution this year. I never seem to keep them, but no one ever does anyway. Then again, last year I didn't make one for the same reason, and it wasn't my happiest year ever. I don't know, if I do make one, I'll let you know. Maybe I should start by using better punctuation on my blogger hahaha. 

I liked this post. I just decided. 

Song of the day: Salvese Quien Pueda- Juana Molina

Until next time