Tuesday, October 31, 2006


so happy halloween kids! gosh today the weirdest thing happened. i woke up and i was like, oh, i'll wear my orange shirt. but then i was like well, it's gonna be cold so i'll just wear my black shirt over it. and i when i walked out the door i realized i was wearing orange and black! and it's halloween..... i don't know I thought it was weird haha.

It's not even nightime yet and i'm already sick on candy. well, mostly chocolate. tonight i was gonna do something with lauren. but if not i'll just watch the sixth sense on abc family just because there's nothing else to watch. i really don't like halloween. for one, i HATE scary things and secondly, too much candy is disgusting.

we watched the disney version of sleepy hollow today. WOW. that thing scared the hell out of me when i was little, and it still does. especially the part where the frogs go...... " HEADLESS HORSEMAN.....HEADLESS HORSEMAN..." guuuhhhh. cuh-reepy.

anyways today pretty much sucked ass. maybe it's because it's halloween or something....i really have no idea.

until next time

Sunday, October 29, 2006

DST Rocks

It's only six o'clock!!! what the heck?

this is awesome. now i don't feel as if my whole day has passed me by.

So today i did absolutely nothing. i was supposed to go to dave&buster's but it didn't work out. rightn ow i'm watching DOMINO. it's a pretty cool movie. kiera knightley rocks.

the only reason why i'm writing an entry tonight is because im bored as hell. trust me there's nothing exciting to write about.

except now, after watching domino i wanna be a bounty hunter!!! REALLY BAD. I'M NOT EVEN KIDDING!!

go rent it! i think it sucks how my entries keep getting shorter and shorter....
Until next time

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Oh Lordy....

So I got back from Jill's partylast night around 11 ish. IT WAS AWESOME!!. They played really good music and I just danced around like crazy. And then, Ms. Lauren Pyle came!! so that was fun. Overall, the night was great minus a few, dramatic mishaps towards the end =/.

So today, I think I will hang out with Ms. Lauren Klein and Ms. Shiva!! haha. Screw the costume party. I guess superwoman will have to wait till next year. So yes, today should be fun as well.

So on Thursday, about 4 hours after I wrote my entry, I took Andrew outside to pee. When he came back inside, for some odd reason, he was limping!! And I was like aahhh!!! so my parents freaked out and we took him to the emergency room. Luckily he had a very very very slight torn ligament. so now he's on meds and we have to keep him confined in the bathroom!! my poor dog. Like..... him getting hurt yesterday scared me so much, and I realized how much I love my Andrew. When he dies, I don't know what I'm gonna do. I'll probably be in a depression for like a year......GOD, i don't even wanna think about it.

Onto a lighter subject, I went shopping yesterday for the party today with Guiselle!! ( the ex mother-in-law) haha. She's like my second mom. I think it's funny how I'm still really good friends with my ex-boyfriends mom. HUH. Anywho, I FINALLY got a new pair of jeans. In fact I got two!! They're great.......like you care.

So if you're looking for a good, slow, romantic, going-to-sleep, song, download COLORS BY AMOS LEE. It's amazing. It makes me wanna cry. And anything by Jeff Buckley, I recommend =)

Before I finish this entry, there is something I must say that has been bugging me for a looong time. I don't know if I'll get shit for this but, watev. I need to get it out. I love my three amigos more than anything in the world. MORE THAN ANYTHING. I don't think they know how much I care about them, even though at times I can be tooo jokingly harsh, or just plain mean, and I realize that. Recently, there have been a lot of problems, just like inside the group. Too much drama, misunderstandings, or just plain stupidity. I hear something from one person, something from another, and I don't know who to believe, whose side to take, or if I should just completely disregard it. Sometimes I find myself being pissed off and bitchy because of it, and I hate that.The point is, I feel like there is the huge rift, and at times I'm like.....what the hell happened to this group? Why can't it go back to the way it used to be? The fact that I get mad at people, they get mad at me, they get mad at eachother is just wierd and scary at the same time. My biggest fear is that one day, we'll dig a hole so deep, we won't be able to get out of it and we won't be friends anymore.

So what I'm basically trying to say is, I hope everything can get resolved. I really do.

I love you guys.

Until next time

Thursday, October 26, 2006

My dog has fleas...

I spent like twenty minutes trying to get them off by hand (it's gross I know) and I killed like 20 of them!!! So that's like a flea a minute, which is pretty good. Anyway, I know have various annoying bug bites all over my arms and ankles. yuck.

So. Today. What happened today? Nothing toooo exciting I suppose. Apart from my english teacher flipping out on us, today was a pretty normal day. And I'd like to take this moment to tell everyone how much I love auto. It's pretty much the best class ever. And I'm the only girl so I get special priveledges! And the guys are great....tuh-huh. But seriously, fixing cars is thebomb.com.

Oh! and today at lunch was superfun. Casey told us about her little bathroom incident which was hilarious. And she made another quite hilarious comment when she described ( and acted out) how she could fit into Mrs. Larson's boobs.....and curl up into them like a cacoon. HAHAH. schweet. i loooove it.

So I have decided today that I HATE having a sixth period. i hate it. HATE IT. Mostly because the other three amigos go out to eat sometimes and I feel left out =( And you know, everyone's life would be so much easier if I got out after 5th. Goddddd.

On to more interesting things, this weekend should be very fun-filled indeed! Party tommorow and maaaybe Saturday. Lauren invited me to hang out with her and Shiva, which sounds like a lot of fun, but dressing up like Superwoman sounds like a lot of fun too. hahaha. I wanna dress up reaalllllyyy bad. I don't know, maybe I'll do both.We'll see.

Tonight I'm going shopping for Jill's party tomorrow, seeing as how I have nothing to wear. I AM SO EXCITED. It's gonna be like another homecoming! And apparently the rocking horse ridge club is SICK. I hope all four of us can go. That would be great. Anywho, I have about 100 bucks saved up for driving school. I need another hundred and my mom's gonna pay for the rest, THANK GOD. jeeze. This is so ridiculous. I get pissed off when anyone brings up driving school, because it's so retarded how I'm 16 and don't even have my permit yet.

So overall, today was a good day. AAANNNNDD smallville's on tonight!! yesssss. hope this one's good. oh oh!!! and i get asian chicken salad for dinner tonight! score. See, it's little things like this that make me happy. And that's all that should matter kids- the little things in life.

Until next time,

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Saga Begins.... (psh)....

So after years of making fun of people who have blogs, I gave in and finally made a journal slash blog slash whatever you wanna call it. I made a livejournal a few days ago, but screw that! Blogger is way better. Plus it's way easier to manage. Yeah, I said it Casey. Ha.

Soooo why have I decided to make this......I don't really know. Mostly because it seems like something fun to do. But then again, I SUCK at keeping journals/ blogs. I always make like 3 or 4 and never write again. I'm sort of inclining towards the fact that A LOT has been going lately at school, home, etc. and I haven't really told anyone about it. So I'm thinking that if I bottle all of this up it might get dangerous around here. haha. Yeah, I think that's it.

Cool. So. What to say, what to say. Since this is my first entry, I'll save the intense drama for another time. Right now, I'll tell you about my life an hour ago. Have you ever gotten really cold and taken a hot shower? Like a steaming hot shower? IT'S GREAT. hahaha. I think that's up there on my top ten best feelings in the world. I swear I almost fell asleep in there. That was, after I almost fell. It was ridiculous. I was embarrased. Even though there was no one to be embarrassed in front of. How embarrassing is that? I stepped on my little sister's stupid shampoo bottle and had to grab the curtains to not fall back. LAME.

Oh! okay. so one of those " things" that I've been bottling up and haven't really told anyone about. I wanna like start a band or something. Not even. I mean, maybe, but like mostly find people who play any instrument and just jam you know? And I've been getting so much into music lately. Like IMMENSELY. I can't even explain it....ok let me try: ( don't care how lame this sounds)

I discovered Jeff Buckley about 1 or 2 years ago, but really started listening to him just recently. In case you didn't know, he was, in my opinion, one of the greatest musicians that ever lived. Listening to him, I realized what it really means to make music. Making music is stripping your ego down when you are expressing yourself, collaborating on a moment that has an energy about it that is inspirational and surreal. I mean, when I sit down with my guitar, I get into this mode where everything else goes quiet and it's just me strumming the chords, and I know how ridiculous it sounds but it's true. I just feel right. That's all there is to it. And it makes me feel good.

If I pick up my guitar when I'm feeling depressed, I feel better, period. And that's where great music comes from- whenever you're emotional. If you ever try to write a song when you're not, then it won't work. That's what I find so laudable and majestic about music. And that's what I learned from Mr. Jeff. And you're thinking " what the hell is she on" right now. And that's okay. Because I'm a dork. Who LOVES music. But Jesus, I made this blog and there's bound to be embarrassing stuff on here, so i might as well just get it out of the way.

Wow. Ok. so.... " talk about music" .....check. I actually feel somewhat better about it. So yeah, if you're looking to jam it out, hit me up. haha. Well i think that's all for tonight folks. I told myself I'd stop at 9:30 and alas, the time has come. So, I don't know how often I'll write in this thing. But I WILL write in it whenever I feel I gotta get something out. Granted. I really like this thing.

Until next time