Wednesday, October 08, 2008

I love it

          "This was my morning"           
I had SUCH a good day today! And I honestly have no idea why, because it wasn't anything spectacular. I got up around 9, ate breakfast, took a shower, and headed out with my grandpa to do some errands. We drove around Chepe to the optometrist, the bank, Fischel, etc., and it was a beautiful morning for the most part. It's so weird to see the people drive here. Well, I'm not sure if "weird" is the best word to describe it..."astonishing" is better haha. 

Honest to God, people make their own rules and lanes here. It's crazy. The other day we were at a stoplight and first in line was a moped, a cop, and then us. The light was red of course, and the guy on the moped got frustrated because it was taking a long time, so he just went for it and sped off, right in front of the cop! Do you think he did anything? Nope. Haha. He just looked at the guy next to him in the other lane and just laughed about it. It's little things like that that make me smile and say "Only in Costa Rica". 

So after our errands and stuff, we came back, ate lunch, and had an amazing nap. I've gotten used to that here now. After lunch, EVERYONE goes and takes a little siesta. I usually just lay down and watch TV because I can never fall asleep during the day, but today I actually slept. Anywho, after that I started working on this fake trailer that I'm making for Smallville. Yes, roll your eyes if you want to, but it's freaking tiiiiight. It looks real. And I gotta use Final Cut for something right? Otherwise what's the point? But I love editing. Maybe even more than directing. The whole thing is like a puzzle. And once you get the idea mapped out in your head, you lay all the clips out and play around with them, and then slowly but surely, it all unfolds and starts to make sense, exactly the way you envisioned it. I'm about a minute in right now. I think you can post videos on this thing...maybe when I'm done I'll post it up here.

I guess another reason why I'm in such a good mood is because I have discovered some awesome new music. I LOVE it when that happens. "Fleet Foxes" are my new favorite discovery. Strongly recommend them. And Ray LaMontagne's new single is amazing, as all his music is. His new album comes out in a few days. I love that man. 

I had the weirdest dream last night. Well, all my dreams are weird, but I've been remembering them more and more lately. So now I have a better idea of how my dreams work. I never knew if I dreamt in black and white, or color. I always had the idea it was more technicolor. But my dream last nigh was in full color. And at first, I was having the dream from my point of view, but then I was watching myself. I was on this cliff thing and it was like a helicopter aerial shot and I was looking down at myself....but I could still feel the wind on my face. It was so weird. And then it went back to my point of view. I was with someone ( who shall remain nameless) and then I kissed him, and I could feel everything. IT WAS SO COOL! I love it when that happens too haha. 

Anyways, I'm in an exceedingly good mood, which doesn't really happen often so I'm enjoying this right now. Sorry for the useless ranting about my day, but I felt like retelling what happened to me today. Next post will be about music I promise. Speaking of which...

Song of the day: Ragged Wood- Fleet Foxes

Until next time

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