Monday, October 20, 2008

One fine day

I've been neglecting my poor blogger lately. I'm sorry!

But today is one of those days. You know, the rainy kind, where you want nothing more than to wear your favorite sweater and sweat pants, the lights are low in the house, you snuggle up under the covers, put on a pot of coffee, and watch your favorite movie or listen to your favorite music? Well it's what I'm doing at this moment. I figured I'd be proactive and not complain about the rain so much and take advantage of it. I know I said I'd write about music today, but I have to put it off once again. I feel like writing a lot today, and I have a few things to get off my chest. 

First I want to tell you about my weekend. It was a lot of fun. On Friday, I went out with my cousin Natalia and some of her friends from work. Unfortunately for me, most of the guys were in their 30's haha, so no luck there. But they were all pretty cool. First we went to this bar called Longhorns (how more gringo could you get man?). But it was SUCH a cool bar! I only had one drink while everyone else was getting pretty much wasted. My tolerance level is really low still haha, but honestly I don't care if it gets higher or not. I'm not a big drinker. Anyways, I saw a bunch of very attractive guys there :) I wanted to go and say something to some of them, but I figured I'll sit back and observe for now. Ticos are very different from gringos, and I still haven't figured them out quite yet haha.

After Longhorns we went to this new casino by the airport called Fiesta. Mm-hmm. It was a really nice casino though. It felt like being in Vegas. For the first time ever I played the slots! It's really boring actually but I made about 750 colones, which is about a buck and a half hahah. But I loved the whole ambience of the place. Live band, dance floor, go-go dancers haha. But honestly, after about the first hour I was over it. Unfortunately we stayed for another hour and a half and we ended up getting home at 3. My cousin could barely make it up the stairs haha. What a sight. I've realized that pretty much my entire family is amazing for getting tipsy. They all love to drink! No alcoholics though thankfully. 

Okay, now on to the other stuff. This is something I have trouble with, and am trying to overcome: Initiative. In some aspects of my life I have it, in others I don't. Where do I have it? With my friends. If I ever get in a fight or argument, or if something is bothering the other person I always take the initiative and am the first one to say something. Where do I not have it? In pursuing my goals. They always say the first step is the hardest in realizing your dreams, and it definitely rings true for me. Simply put, I am very lazy. And I hate that about myself. I was supposed to call my college counselor about a month ago and I still haven't. I was supposed to read this book to help my spanish a week ago and I still haven't. I was supposed to shave my legs this morning and I didn't haha. You see what I mean? I have a problem with initiative and procrastination. I know those things I just listed are small, but if I don't take care of this problem now, soon this lack of initiative will cross over into the more important areas of my life. I think the key is passion. If I was as passionate about all these things as I am about my friends and family, then I would be on the right track. I just have to find a way or reason to care about these things. But what scares me is that I SHOULD already care about them. Is apathy taking over my life?

I don't know the answer. But it is definitely something I have to work on. Sorry about the somber atmosphere in here, but on a happier note, Ray Lamontagne's new album is amazing :) And I can't wait for Halloween next weekend. 

Song of the day: Someone Like You- Van Morrison

Until next time

1 comment:

Simon said...

Ray Lamontagne's new album is indeed yes totally awesome:)