Thursday, January 21, 2010


Do you ever have one of those days where you feel really confident and feel like no one can touch you? I'm having one of those days for some reason....

So I'm writing an entry in the morning which is odd for me. I usually write at night so I can reflect on everything I did throughout the day, but I have a lot of time to kill before I go to school, I start at 2:15 now.

My homesickness has not gone away at all, actually it's getting progressively worse throughout the week. I can't believe a week ago I was still back home. I really have to stop though, thinking about it so much I mean. It's only going to make the days go by slower and December is going to seem like a lifetime away. In the meantime I have to figure out something to do, I have to keep my mind busy to not think about home so much. I'm going to make an effort to start being more social with my friends here. I already have plans to go to the beach next weekend with some of them, hopefully I'll have some fun so I won't be so pathetic moping around the house all day.

Looks like I left home just in time though because they're having awful weather right now. Here it couldn't be nicer- 79 degrees and clear skies with the most delicious does remind me of home constantly though so I guess it's not that great haha. In any case, I'm ichatting with Allie tonight so maybe I'll feel better after that...or worse who knows. I'm off to eat some taquitos now!

Song of the day: All Mixed Up- Red House Painters

Until next time,

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