Thursday, January 04, 2007

jeeze louise


that's all i can say right now. god i am in SUCH a crappy mood. i just wanna curl up into a ball and go to sleep forever. the friend drama has returned.....surprise, surprise.....

there's so much crap, and secrets, and horrible things that have happened, that i feel if i say the least little thing, im backstabbing someone just for expressing my opinion. i really can't take it anymore. im afraid that something i said is gonna be taken out of context and used against me. i'm not really good at expressing what i REALLY feel so i act a certain way and sugarcoat things just to not hurt someone's feelings, and then i look like a total hipocrite. the confrontations are coming too. and i CANNOT stand confrontations.

the only thing i know for certain is this: school is gonna be INTERESTING next week. all the dirt is going to unravel, i can feel it.

i really think we've added new meaning to " high school drama". the only good thing that came out of this is that i know who i'm asking to formal now haha. big whoop.

Song of the day: Leaders of the Free World- Elbow

Until next time

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