Tuesday, January 23, 2007

my neck hurts

it's really stiff. MEH.

i know what it's from though...... 4 HOURS OF STUDYING FOR CHEM. jesus i hope i do good on that tomorrow. today was a pretty easy day for me. i think i did well.

Im really excited for this week (after finals are over). I have my behind the wheel on Friday, and then hopefully i'll get to go see melee with lauren on shaterday? And a new semester starts so it's a clean slate for my grades, thank god.

this is really a pointless entry, but hey, i hade 5 minutes to spare before i went to bed....BEFORE 11?? GASP. this hasn't happened in a long time.

Song of the Day: Addicted- Enrique Iglesias ( i forgot how good this song was!)

Until next time

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