Thursday, January 01, 2009

Ready, Set...

It's kinda cool to have a new drop down list on the right. Hopefully the 2009 link will be filled with many more entries than 2008. 

So no particular overwhelming feelings tonight. I'm just pretty calm. Still trying to get over the spectacle of last night. It was seriously, one of the coolest things I have ever seen. Definitely worth waiting one year for. 

So we're standing out on my aunt's terrace which overlooks the entire central valley (as I've told you many times before). Counting down the seconds, you can see every star in the sky, the lights down below are sparkling and shining, and there is a sense of anxiousness and eagerness in the air. 

Cinco, quatro, tres, dos, uno! Feliz ano!!!! 

Almost instantly you hear a pop in the distance, then another, followed by another until there are literally hundreds of fireworks going off in the central valley within seconds of each other. If you think fireworks are cool by themselves, try watching hundreds of them above the city. It was like watching from space. I think that image will definitely stay with me for the rest of my life. 

Anyways, not a very productive year so far, I've been laying around the house all day haha. But it's all good. I'm not sure if I should make a New Year's resolution this year. I never seem to keep them, but no one ever does anyway. Then again, last year I didn't make one for the same reason, and it wasn't my happiest year ever. I don't know, if I do make one, I'll let you know. Maybe I should start by using better punctuation on my blogger hahaha. 

I liked this post. I just decided. 

Song of the day: Salvese Quien Pueda- Juana Molina

Until next time

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