Wednesday, December 15, 2010

All I Want for Christmas

Since we probably won't actually celebrate Christmas this year, I asked for my presents today. This is what I got.
Oh and this guy :)

I can't really say what I did to deserve this, although I did step up and got almost all A's in college this year. But I'd like to take this moment to acknowledge the fact that I am a very lucky person and am grateful for every single thing I have in my life. I know these gifts are just things, something materialistic, but it's not even about them. It's about the fact that I have parents who moved to the U.S. in 1987 and worked at horrible places for years until finally being able to work at a place they actually liked and were able to save up enough money to build a foundation for themselves and for their daughters. It's that hard work that allowed them to buy me things like this 23 years later; they have the means now to be able to buy their daughter something that will make her happy, and I know a lot of families can't say that.

Apart from that, I've always had love, nourishment and support from my family. That in and of itself is something a lot of people only dream of. So trust me, I know that I am an extremely lucky person. I do feel guilty a lot of the times for the things I have, for the life I've lived, but some higher power up there knows that I am grateful, and I think that's all I can do to prove I'm worthy. I think we as people can only be grateful and not take things for granted to prove that we are worthy of the things we have, that and giving back as much as possible, which is something I definitely have to work on. I hate New Years resolutions, but that sounds like a good one to set for next year. Anyways, I hope you, reading this, are grateful for the things you have in your life, big or small, important or insignificant. If not, just be grateful that you are alive and that you exist.

Happy Holidays!

Song of the day: Jingle Bells- Frank Sinatra

Until next time

1 comment:

Maria Barker said...

Cool Gifts.

As for what you did to deserve them, I don't think gifts are ever deserved, or they would be rewards? Or are ever undeserved, or they would be called bribes? Your family loves you enough to give you what would be important to you, rather than just something arbitrary. and you are smart to be able to see that is the best gift of all.

I recently wrote about my New Year's Resolution in 2 posts on my site, New Year Resolutioning, and New Year Resolutioning Updated. I have a 1 word theme for the year that sums up something I would like to improve about myself. I think it will be easier for me to stick to 1 word than something more involved. I started mine early, and so far, so good!

Have a good holiday season.