Wednesday, November 19, 2008


There's a twister outside, I swear. These are worse than the Santa Ana's. But it's actually cold wind, so I guess that's the only good part :/

I've been having trouble sleeping lately and I am SO not sleepy so I thought I'd update. I love you blogger, I really do.

I guess the only thing I can really write about tonight is how much I miss home. Yes, I know we've all heard many times, but it's true. I don't remember if I said this here, but I told someone, I forget who. Anyways, the thing is that when I left home, I thought the move would get easier over time. Like, I would be completely depressed at first, but after a few months or weeks, it would get better. Well, it's turned out to be the complete opposite. My nostalgia and desire to move back has increased drastically lately. I miss everything.

I miss the street lights.
I miss Newport Blvd.
I miss driving in a place where people actually follow the rules of the road. 
I miss Jamba Juice.
I miss Starbucks!
I miss everything being 20 minutes away or less.
I miss the radio.
I miss PCH.
I miss the Disneyland fireworks.
I miss my house :(
I miss my friends.
Most of all, I miss Casey and Chris.

Being away from them has been the worst. I miss their faces and their laughs, and joking about the most RANDOM, IDIOTIC stuff. Haha, I miss flopping around on Casey's couch and watching movies, not wanting to get up. I miss Chris's funny parents and George Lopez inside jokes. I miss the secrets, I even miss the fights and the times where they did something so retarded that I would go on a cursing rampage while rolling my eyes :/

God, I'm so pathetic. I wish this entry wasn't so lame, and I know most of my posts lately have been depressing, but it's how I'm feeling. You try moving to a different country where you don't know anyone. 

I guess the only thing left to do is wait it out. I'll start school in two months and meet a whole bunch of new people, make new friends, even maybe (knock on wood) find a significant other finally, and hopefully I can go and visit next Christmas and Chris and Casey can come visit me sooner than that. 

I was just thinking about what picture I should put up (because I've been adding pictures to all my entries recently) and I realized that I don't even have a picture of the three of us. We should've taken one the last night we were all together....

... well, that's the first thing I'm going to do when we're all together again. 

Song of the day: Eyes- Rogue Wave

Until next time

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